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jin watched hoseok leave the studio, knowing all too well that hoseok would not be eating a meal tonight. he would most likely go home, drink a bottle of water and eat a few carrots and then throw them all back up. it saddened jin to think that this was what was going on in hoseok's mind. he just couldn't figure out why.

jin tapped away mindlessly on the computer, his brain unaware that hoseok was the last one to leave, as per usual. this gave jin a thought. though he might be just a receptionist, he did used to work as a ballerina a vdance, and was a vocalist as well. he never liked to show his talents, he usually told himself he had none.

he walked into the studio that hoseok was using and walked to the banister. he was in some casual clothes, so we went and borrowed a loose white shirt and a pair of loose shorts from the spare clothes room. he put in a disc in the cd player and hit play. soft strings composed by his friend jimin sounded out through the studio, jin doing some warm up stretched before standing in the middle of the room.

what jin failed to notice, surrounded by just him and his thoughts, was the door opening to the studio room.

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