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jin fell to the floor as the choreograph and the music told him to. he breathed heavily, panting as the memories of him dancing a few minutes ago resonated in his head. it was the first time that he had properly danced. he breathed in and out.


and out.

jin escaped his thought and her clapping. his gut immediately swelled as he saw hoseok at the door leaning against the frame.

"that was quite something, kim seokjin" he said, walking into the room to collect his feet protectors. meanwhile jin was turning a similar colour to that of a ripe apple.

"i-ah, i'm no good. i'm useless, actually" jin said, and the words played through his head.



"yeah. i'm useless, i'm just a receptionist" jin said. hoseok smiled sadly and shook his head.

"i'll see you back at the apartment, friend" hoseok said, and walked out of the door, leaving a suddenly saddened jin.

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