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jin looked at hoseok, watching him think about what he had just said. he watched hoseok shake his head and look up at jin with almost pleading eyes, driving jin crazy.

"i, i really am doing wrong, aren't i?"

"yes, hobi. but i can help you fix that" jin said. hoseok looked away from jin, ashamed about what he had done not only to himself but to jin. jin sighed, and turned hoseok's face towards him with long, slender fingers. hoseok gulped and looked at jin again, jin had to use all of his willpower to not attack the boys lips. he slowly pulled hoseok towards him, inching closer and closer towards the lips he so desperately wanted. just when they were centimetre away, jin stopped and looked hoseok in the eyes. hoseok's eyes were filled with an emotion jin couldn't quite read; was it shock? longing? lust?

jin closed his eyes after looking at hoseok's lips. and to jin's surprise, it wasn't him who closed the gap.

it was hoseok.

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