The End, My Dudes.

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Yo bois, it's the end.

This is the last 'chapter' of Dragon of Secrets. I'm sorry about cutting it short, but this felt like a logical place to end it. There was nothing else for Brisktail to do. His friends have bogger plans...

Here's your chance to impact the future of the series and the polishing of this book (some advice I will listen to, some I can't for plot reasons, and I will be looking back through the chapters for grammar catches in your comments):

Feel free to give me constructive criticism: I welcome it and look forward to it. You can also answer as many or as little of the questions as you like. If you respond to more, reply to yourself if you run out of room to keep the chat clean.

1.) What do you think of the storyline/plot so far? What is one positive and one negative? I will need to see what you guys think before I can finish editing this book on Wattpad. The main purpose of said editing is to butcher grammatical and plot errors.

2.) What do you think of Brisktail? Do you think he is a "well-developed" character?

3.) What do you think of the new characters and character developments? Our main five still have a long way to go!

4.) What are your thoughts on the next book(s)? Where do you think the story will go? What are you most excited to see happen?

5.) Favourite cliffhanger/information drop? I want to see where I did things right so that I know what you expect and what methods I should... not repeat, but build on and consider as ways to introduce characters and such.

6.) I originally wanted to end chapter 22 with Brisktail's enchantment of the stone covering him. Should I try to re-write it to be more of a cliffhanger or no?

7.) Your turn! You can write your own question and answer it if you want. Use #7 to tell me what you think about Dragon of Secrets if you found the other questions unsatisfactory to your needs.

As of July 23rd I am no longer able to implement changes, however, I might make exceptions depending on the suggestion. You can still comment though!

You comment, I respond, and we all have a happy time. Just remember, be nice to each other and have a good day or night! (Yes this was copied and pasted but writing this the first time took a long time and I wanted to bring you the epilogue today).

I'll be back sooner than you think...


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