Chapter 1

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Please tell me how I did after this chapter and also tell me if you want more!

Dendys POV |Place: Ko's School

"Hmm, I'll trade you my Daryl PowCard for your Rad PowCard. Since you have two, so I think it'll be fine Ko" I said as I pulled out my Daryl PowCard and layed
it on the wooden, school desk. I looked up at Ko, but I could tell something was wrong. He was looking out the window with his head in his head while his other hand held his PowCards. "Ko? Are you ok?" I asked, but no answer. I tapped his shoulder twice. He looked up and freaked out like he was frozen in place. He settled down, rubbed his neck and said, " Oh sorry Dendy! My mind is elsewhere today!" "It is okay Ko, maybe we can trade PowCards some other time," I said as I gathered up my PowCards. "Sure!" Ko said as he put his PowCards in his pocket and turned around at his desk so he was facing forwards. I, soon, saw a tiny cut on his neck and I got concerned, "Hey Ko, what happened to-" "Ok Class! We are doing quizzes today!" I was cut off by our teacher. I just shrugged it off. I'll ask him later what happened.

——Time Skip | place: Ko's house——
Ko's POV

I fell on my bed, exhausted. I had a good day! Better than yesterday, that's for sure. I got up and went to my mirror on my wall and lifted up my shirt, scars almost every where. It's a good thing that there's only one cut on the back of  neck. "I hope Tko doesn't find out, or he'll be so mad!" I said as I put my shirt back down and checked my phone. My mom was at work, so I had time to visit Tko  since I hadn't seen him in a awhile. I sat down on my bed , crossed my legs, relaxed, and closed my eyes.

—Place: Tko's house—

     I opened my eyes, sat up, and looked around. As I saw Tkos house, I got up and went inside. Tko lives in my mind, but he can get out of my mind to get some fresh air, well it's hard to explain. Let's just say he can become a whole different person, but out of my mind. I saw Tko on the bean bag chair playing our game we kept trying to beat. "Hey" Tko said as he pressed the pause button on the controller and handed me the controller. "Hey Tko" I said as I sat on the other bean bag chair beside him and grabbed the controller and pressed the unpause button. "So, how was it at the prison you go to?" He said. When he says prison he means school. I learned that he doesn't like school, or pretty much anything that people. "It's was ok." I lied. This was alteast the 10th time I've lied to him about school, but if I tell him, he'll get too mad. Besides, he'll already be mad about the scratches and cuts they made. I pressed the pause button and looked down and started fiddling with the controller.

Tko's POV

"It's was ok" Ko said as he got took the controller from my hand. I knew something was on his mind. He would usually go on and on about his day and I'll pretend I don't listen. But, I do. "So, it was just ok?" He looked at me and nodded. I wasn't buying it. "Ko tell me the truth." I said. "I am," he said smiling. I still didn't buy it, but something did catch my eye. "Ok, but how did that bruise get on your arm?" I asked. Ko looked at it and looked at me again and said, "I...tripped and...fell on the side walk today in my arm." He said smiling . I still didn't buy it, but he maybe telling the truth. He always uses that cute smile every time he is.Wait WHAT?!?!? No no no no!!! I don't like him. "Ok KO, I trust you. But you know if anything happens, you now can talk to me," WAIT! Why did I say that?!?! "The tv shows that I recommend must be working! Look at you getting all soft!" Ko says as he softly elbows me in the arm. "Ya, I guess" I said as a light shade of red comes across my face as I started laughing. Who nows, maybe I am getting a little soft for Ko.

——Ko's POV | Ko's house——

I open my eyes and saw Tko right in front of me. Like I said before, he can become a whole different person, but out of my mind that is. He held out a hand, I took it, and stool up. "Can we go to the Bodega? I have to get me another pack of PowCards," I said as me and Tko headed to the kitchen. "Sure I guess, but I'm not getting me anything though," Tko said as he got out a drink from the fridge. "Okay, that's fair enough," I said as I started to get some money from my pocket. Soon, me and Tko headed out the door.

—Place: GARS (or the bodega)-

As I started to walk in the door, I heard Enid's voice talking to Rad at the counter. "Hey guys!" I said as I waved to them. "Sup, Ko how'd your day go-" Rad stopped as he saw Tko. He whispered to Ko "Dude, you know Tko is here right?"
"Yes Rad, I know! Just remember that he won't do anything stupid. Right, Tko?" I asked as I put my arm on his shoulder. Tko glances at Rad, "Ya, I guess." "Okay, glad we all met each other again. So Rad, got any new PowCard packets for me?" I said as I looked at the shelf behind Enid. "Sorry Ko, just ran out, but we're getting new packets tomorrow," Enid said. "Okay!" I said. I felt a vibration in my pocket, I pulled my phone out and looked at the home screen as another text popped up..

—Third person POV—

Ko looked at his phone and freaked out. "I'll be right back guys!" He said as he ran out of the store in a hurry. "What's he late for?" Enid asked. "I don't know." Rad said looking worried. "I'll check it out." Tko said as he started running out the door. Tko flew (Yes Tko can fly and so can Rad. Everyone has a power in the show) onto the roof. He saw KO a few moments walking towards the woods, but stopped right in his tracks right before he had to walk across the ditch (you'll have to a watch the Tko episode to see what I mean). A seconds passed before a gang of crocodiles came out of the woods. Tko gasped quietly. Tko knew who these crocodiles are, and they are not friendly. One of the crocodiles smirked and said, "Your gonna try and get across us? Again? Geez boy, your gonna die before you even turn 20" "We'll see about that," Ko said as he put his headphones in and got his phone out. Tko could see that Ko was gonna try to go in the forest, but 2 things.       
   1, why does he have to go in the forest? And 2, If he's already tried once, why try again?
Ko turned his music up to max volume and started waking into the forest.

(1284 words)
Thx everyone who read this! Pls tell me how I did for the first chapter! Ok, imma stop talking, bye guys!!

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