Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the slow updates, I've been really busy with school and stuff. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. I will have a OC in this chapter because I feel it will make the book a bit more interesting. Enjoy!

Ko's POV/ Ko's school

I sat down in my desk and pulled out a book from my book bag and flipped the page where I left off from a few days ago. Now, I don't usually read, but I had to finish this book because it was for a I have to turn it back into the library.

As a few minutes go by, nothing really happens in my book, which is called 'One of us is lying' (Important later on).

"Hey Ko!" Dendy says as she walks into class. "Hey Dendy!" I said. I looked over at Tko at the mean time, he looks tired...probably because he stayed up to long last night. "So Ko, did you here the big news?" Dandy says in a exciting voice. "What news?" I ask. Before Dendy could say anything, the teacher walked in and everyone had to sit down. "Today class, we have a new student, so everyone be nice to him." She says as she snaps, cueing the new kid to come in. He walked in and stood at the front of the room and everyone was curious to who he was, especially Tko. I knew because Tko had a mixture of curiosity and well...I guess you can say disgust(?) in his face.

I had time to identify the new kids features. He had a few cuts on his neck, had a tattoo on his face? He look kinda like Tko except different. "Everyone his Kyle, he is our new student. Kyle, say hi." The teacher said.

3rd person POV

  Kyle look around the room and said, "hello everyone." "Kyle, why don't you take the seat that's right behind Tko." The teacher said.

"Yes ma'am."

  Kyle picked up his book bag and walked towards his desk, and the same time, Tko was starting at him, with a angry expression on his face. No one could truly tell because of his head hanging low.

Time skip; after lunch

  After lunch, Tko went to his locker to get his other notebooks for his next class, but as he got at least a few feet from his locker, Dendy was standing there, watching him. Tko got confused and walked towards her, as he got closer, Dendy said, "listen, I know you like Ko."

Tko's POV

My eyes widened at the words Dendy just said out of her mouth. I can't believe this! I smiled and chuckled, "you really think," I started laughing, that I like Ko" I laughed some more. "Your crazy."

"Actually Tko," Dendy said as she pulled up one of her monitors, "According to my research, when you see someone near or with Ko, except for you, your heart beat quickens." Dendy said with a smart tone in her voice. "Which means one of the symptoms of being in love."

I looked at the ground and started to think of what I would say.

  "Tko just admit it, you like him!"

  I sighed and said, "yes ok!" I sort of yelled. "I do like Ko, ok," I said with another sigh. "I knew it!" Dendy said, smiling. I thought for a moment and said, "Are you gonna tell him?" Dendy looked at me and said, "Look, I won't tell him ok, but at one point you will tell him ok? I know it's really cheesy, but you have to do it!" Dendy said. I nodded and started to do the my locker combination.
Unknown to anyone, there was somebody watching...and listening to Dendy and Tko's conversation. And that person was mad, like grinding teeth and growling mad... can you guess who this secret person is?

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Hey guys! I hoped y'all enjoyed this chapter of my book. I'm very sorry to those who waited this long for a new chapter...I'm still in school and I've been so stressed and busy that I've been almost forgetting about this book. Well, see you guys in the next chapter. Bye!

Can't live without you (TKO x KO)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن