Chapter 3

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I'm so sorry guys for the long wait, but I've been busy shopping, traveling, my phone dying, etc. this isn't gonna be a long chapter, but I hope y'all like it! Please tell me how I do in this chapter in the comment box below! I'll try and get to talk to y'all in the comment box below! If you want to know when I update or add a new chapter? Add this book to your library! Now let's get in with the story!
Recap: After a fight with Jason (KOs bully) TKO took KO to the hospital, where TKO called Enid, Rad, and KOs mom and told them what happened.
(A few days after the fight, Sorry, I really don't know how to be a good writer!)

Beep! beep! Beep! The alarm went off as the clock hit 6:00 am. Ko got up and yawned, awakening Tko. "Morning Ko." Tko said as he got out of bed. "Hey Tko." Ko said as he started climbing off of the bunk beds. Yep, they lived together now, but not as brothers, just friends. Tko was ok with this (surprisingly) because he didn't want Ko to get hurt again, especially after that huge fight. The 2 friends got dressed taking turns in the bathroom, ate, brushed their teeth, and headed to school. Since the school wasn't far, they walked, but it was Ko's first time coming back. As the stood in front of the school, they both stopped. He was scared and Tko saw fear in his poor friends eyes."Hey don't worry," Tko said as he lifted Ko's chin, "I'm gonna make sure they won't bother ok? Trust me. I'm right here" Tko said. "Ok Tko, I trust you." Ko said, smiling a little.

—At Kos classroom. By the way, this is third person POV—

Ko sat down, and looked over and saw Tko sitting down next to him, having headphones in. It was a good thing Tko was here for Ko or else Ko would've been dead. Ko was thankful to have Tko around. "KO!" Dendy said as she raced over and hugged him. "I'm so sorry for what happened! I wasn't at school because of a appointment and-" "It's fine Dendy, I'm just glad that I'm back." Ko said smiling. Dendy sighed. "Ok, I'm am glad as well." Dendy said. "Tko is happy too! Right Tko?" Ko said as he looked over at him. Tko looked looked at him and said, "ya, I guess." Dendy gasped. "Ko, it's Tko! Remember, your evil alter ego!" Dendy said as she freaked out. "It's okay Dendy, he's good now." Ko said as he tried to make Dendy calm down. Dendy sighed as she calmed down and said, "well, fine. I trust you Ko." Dendy said as she sat down at the desk behind Ko. "Good." Ko said as he sat down in front of Dendy, leaving Tko in the desk beside him. As the rest of the class Settled down in their seats, the teacher walked in and started out they day with roll call.

(543 words)
I'm sorry that this chapter was SUPER SHORT, but I've been busy this summer with traveling and stuff. I hole y'all liked this chapter. Pls tell me how I did on this chapter! I'll stop taking now. Bye guys!

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