Chapter 6

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AN: I know, I know I really suck at this but I'm really trying so here's the next chapter!

Cassidy is sitting on her bed contemplating her premonition. There is still shards in her foot from the glass that broke in the kitchen, but she ignored the pain.

'Why would I have a vision about Leo?', she thought. Hope swelled in her heart. she looked down to look at her soulmate tattoo and color saturated the mark. Cassie gaped at the tattoo in utter shock. She shakily stood up and began walking to the common room where some of the Avengers remained. No one really seemed to notice her come in, but Clint took a quick glance, before getting up in concern. Cassidy was bleeding at the feet and leaving a trail. She had disheveled  hair and her face had pure shock written all over it.

"Whats wrong?", Clint says in a panic causing the rest of the Avengers to look up immediately at the teenager. Cassie's eyebrows scrunched.

"LOOK! LOOK!", Cassie exclaims shoving her forearm towards her uncle. Clint notices the newly colored soulmate tattoo and gapes at it.
"How?", he asks incredulously.
"I don't know, but I know what it could mean!", Cassie states hopefully. Her uncle notices a hint of the old Cassie resurfacing in her eyes.
"He could be back!", Cassie exclaims and bolts back down the corridor to her room.
"Woah, what's going on?", Sam asks, asking the resounding question everyone was thinking. Clint just turns towards them and states.
"She's going to him"


Leo is flying festus with calypso holding on to him. He sees the camp half-blood in the distance.
"Festus go faster we're almost there!", Leo urges. Festus creaks and goes a bit faster. They land on the beach and a crowd of people have formed and are approaching them.
"LEO!", someone yells and tackles him. Leo looks and it's Piper and she's crying a bit.
"Hey, Pipes!", Leo says excitedly and hugs her back before getting up.
"Where's Cassie?", he asks apprehensively.
"Leo-", piper starts but gets interrupted by the rest of the 8. The rest bombard him with hugs. The group gets really loud and Leo is starting to get fed up.
"Guys!", Leo yells, causing the group to shut up.
"Where's Cassidy?", Leo asks again.
The group frowns deeply at the mention of her.
"Leo she....", Percy started but stop, pain evident on his face.
"She left Leo.", Annabeth told him bluntly.
"What do you mean she LEFT?", Leo questioned agitated.
"She couldn't stand being here with out you so she.... she went to Olympus and requested a life quest", Percy explains still quite upset about it.
"WHAT!?!", Leo said shocked and upset. "WHERE DID SHE GO?!?"
"We don't know... all she left was a note apologizing, she didn't give us the opportunity to talk her out of it..", Hazel explained sadly. Leo gets on to Festus and flies off.
"LEO!!!", the group call after him.

~a few hours later~
Leo lands on Mount Olympus and storms toward where the main twelve reside in the council hall. Some guards outside try to stop him but he pushes his way through, swings the door open, and storms into the center of the room interrupting the discussion amongst the gods.
"WHERE IS SHE!", Leo demands looking like a madman yelling at the giant gods sat in their thrones.
"Son, calm dow-", Hephaestus states trying to calm his son.
"DON'T YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! WHERE IS SHE?!?", Leo demands again, a crazed gleam in his eyes as heat starts to radiate off of him.
"We can't tell you she's on an important quest", Athena explains.
"I need to see her...", Leo's rage begins to morph into desperation. "What do I need to do? I'll do anything!"
"You could join her quest...", Aphrodite suggests.
"FINE! I just need to BE with her!", Leo agrees quickly.
"Are you sure, my boy, this is no little matter, this is a life quest?", Hephaestus inquires.
"YES! Now where is she?", Leo demands. The gods look at each other before Hermes shrinks to normal size.
"I'll take you", Hermes offers. Leo nods and they turn to leave.
"Wait!", a normal sized Poseidon stopped the two from leaving. "Leo, promised you'll take care of her."
Leo nods and leaves the council room.


Cassie is in a state of panic rushing around trying to find things for her to take with her back to camp. She goes to grab the picture from her bedside when she gets a good look at it and gets distracted. she sits on her bed side staring at the picture of Leo and her on the Argo II. the happiness emitting from the couple in the captured moment. 

'BEEP! BEEP! hostiles in bound BEEP!BEEP!' Friday announces warning those in the tower. Cassie's startled but quickly moves into action putting on her celestial iron armor and tennis shoes. Clint runs into Cassie's room.

"the towers being attacked", he says slightly panicked his bow in hand read to fight. 

" I kinda go that!" Cassie say with sass. Cassie pulls her sword charm off and takes hold of it before rushing to the door. The two run down the hallway ready for anything to come at them.

Lost Without You~ Leo Valdez love story soul au and avengers/pjo crossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora