06 || Cotton Candy

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Sabrina and Hope were taken to a fair that New Orleans was holding in honor of the Winter. Specially the witches who had taken on them to show the tourists tricks in exchange for money.

The fake ones too.

"OMG look at this friendship rings" said Sabrina telling Hope as she pushed her over. "Oh yeah they're very pretty" Hope agreed.

"Uh yeah the price doesn't help" winced Sabrina when she saw they were very expensive. "Maybe for your-" "Hope Andrea Mikaelson you say birthday and i will seal your mouth" threatened the blonde and Hope shut her mouth.

Turning away Hayley called Hope over to take a picture that included mother and daughter. Sabrina hummed as she looked at the necklaces, especially a black butterfly one.

Her head turned when she saw a cotton candy machine. She smiled brightly and ran over, but pouted when she saw she had left her wallet at home.

"Want one love?" asked Klaus standing beside her. She looked at him blushing. "Uh no its fine" she mumbled. Seeing her blushed face.

"Come on love one" he said and she bit her lip. "I don't want you wasting your money on me" she shook her head. Seeing she won't let him he looked at the man.

"One please mate" he said and Sabrina couldn't help her face blush. Grabbing the pink cloud candy he passed it to her and she smiled.

"Thanks" she told him grabbing it. "You're welcome love" he said and they kept on walking around the fair.


"Oh my God you should've seen Hope's face it was so funny and her hair was all the way up" Sabrina laughed as they walked past the stands.

Hope huffed. "You blew up my hair almost burn it down!" defended Hope as she crossed her arms. "Oh come on it was a minor prank" Sabrina said and Klaus and Hayley laughed.

"Love didn't you get detention for that?" asked Klaus seeing as she had told him about it when he was talking with Hope. "Yup and it was boring, but worth it" she laughed.

"You're so evil" Hope told her and Sabrina smirked. "I was born evil" she joked kind of. Hope grinned and ran after her and Sabrina screamed running away.

As the girls ran around they dodged people but Sabrina in a fast moment didn't see the women with the ice cream in hand and bumped into her.

Falling on her butt she clenched her jaw seeing she now had pink ice cream on her shirt.

The women looked at her apogelic. "Oh I'm sorry, but you shouldn't have been running" she said and when Sabrina turned to her she took a step back.

"What did you just say?" she growled. "Well sweetie you bumped me" the women said. Klaus and Hayley arrived with Hope seeing Sabrina looking beyond mad.

Worried something would happen Hayley took a step forward. "Diana don't" she warned the witch who raised her eyebrows confused. "Excuse me Hayley, but the kid bumped into me" she said and this angered the dark witch more.

Like before she was someone who could get angry pretty easily, meaning that this angered her. She was going to play it nice but when the women was rude to say it in the way she did and to her face that it was her fault which and t was her fault but not be rude about it.

They're in a fair what did they expect.

"No you were in my way" snapped Sabrina and the witch crossed her arms. "I'm sorry?" she said looking at her. "I said you were in my way...and now i'll get you out of it" threatened the Blackthorn witch.

Worrying to what would happen Klaus took a step forward. "Love, we should leave" he warned. Diana not knowing what the girl was, kept on going.

That's why she hated witches in New Orleans they would always try to tick someone off.

"Little girl I'm a witch and leader at that so go on, what are you going to do?" she mocked. Seeing the threat Hope pushed her parents back knowing things wouldn't be pretty.

"I don't give a shit about who you are, but you should know I'm someone who doesn't get messed with" she clenched her hands. Whispered a spell and in seconds the women started to cough up blood.

As Sabrina looked at her feeling herself go darker. The women drop to the floor dripping in sweat. When she looked up she gasped when the younger girls eyes were fully black.

"Love...Sabrina!" said Klaus putting a hand on her shoulder and snapping her out of the spell. Her eyes changed back to normal and she looked at him.

Seeing her face he sighed. "Lets go home" he said and grabbed her hand Hayley and Hope following behind them.

The witch amused with the girl turned to her friend. "Did you see her eyes?" she asked and the man nodded. "They were black" he said confused as to why they were dark.

"We need to go to the city of the dead now" Diana instructed and they left.


"Sabrina you could have exposed us in front of the tourists" Hayley stated and the blonde huffed. "She was a bitch about it, I'm the one that's supposed to be mad" she pointed to her ice creamed stained shirt.

"Still, now the witches know there's a new witch in the French Quarter" Klaus took Hayley's side and she glared at him a little.

"Well I'm sorry, but i couldn't fight it, cause it's who i am, now I'm sorry for ruining your trip to the fair, i didn't mean too, so I'll be in my room" she said really sorry for ruining a family moment.

This is exactly why she never accepted the invitations to come over when they invited her. Her being here could cause trouble even when she didn't mean too.

"I guess this is why she never comes" mumbled Hope sad her friend felt bad about coming. "What are you talking about?" asked Klaus curious.

"She never wants to come because she says she'll cause trouble and i guess she was kind of right" Hope explained.

Sighing Hayley felt bad and so did Klaus. "I'll go talk to Diana about this, Klaus go tell Sabrina she is not trouble" Hayley said.

"You don't have to tell me twice" the man said and walked up the stairs. He never thought of her as trouble, in the contrary he enjoyed when she would be around.

She would always do something that made him laugh which wasn't something Klaus was much seen like.

So without a second thought he walk to the guest room where she had run off.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

So did you like it. I mean Klaus felt bad when he got told she didn't come because she caused trouble.

Damn the witches now know about her being a witch, but not that she's a dark witch. Yay so excited for next chapter.

Remember to comment!!



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