31 || Forced To Participate

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Today was the day almost every student in the Salvatore school decided to let out their special talents.

Everybody that thought that could do something special got prepared to show it off to the whole school.

Although some were weird like spitting high, others were awesome like dancing, singing or painting.

Sabrina Blackthorn sat in the dungeons bed. After she almost explode every vein in Jed's body. Alaric suspended her in being in the dungeon for a good of five days.

She didn't argue though, in fact she was the one to suggest it.

She had the guitar in hand and was greatly debating weather to show the school she can sing or just stay in the crowd or even better simply not go.

She didn't even know if she was allowed to go. She was suspended so she couldn't be in school activities if she wasn't supposed to even be in school.

'People hate me maybe they wont even want to hear me sing' she thought.

Sighing she lay down on the bed looking up at the ceiling. As she thought about her debate she didn't felt the small warm crawling up her arm.

But thanks to her reflexes she quickly sat up snatching it away and stepping on it. "Ew" she whined

"What's ew?" Alaric asked coming down ans standing by the cell.

"A warm just slither up my arm you should really clean this place" she said and he frowned. There aren't supposed to be any insects, but he thought maybe they find their way in.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her. She shrugged at him. "Angry that i couldn't control myself" she said sincerely.

Alaric looked to the side to see a broken chair. "I guess that's why i have to replace that chair" he motioned to it.


He chuckled at her not mad about it. She was learning to control herself more then before, so a broken chair didn't bother him.

"I gave an announcement, did you hear it?" he asked her and she gave him a 'really' look. "I'm in a dungeon i could barely hear when you entered" she laughed.

It was so far from the intercom since the last one was six doors before entering the dungeon.

"Right, i um i canceled the talent show do to a new monster found" Sabrina gasped and stood up.

"Really? cause that would be perfect i wouldn't have too participate, although i don't think i can get out-"

"But Lizzie and Josie made sure to keep it on the schedule today so there will be a talent show again" he cut her off and she huffed. "I'm suing them" was all she said.

Alaric then laughed. He looked as she pouted and then saw the guitar beside her. "You play?" he was very surprised as he had never heard of her having any talents of that so.

She pursed her lips. "Eh more or less" she briefly said. He knew that when a student was down here for punishment they weren't allowed to let them out, but he always had a soft spot for Sabrina. She was like the girl he could somewhat consider family.

He after all saved her from a fire.

"How about i lift up your suspension and you participate in the talent show" he proposed and she shook her head. She was practicing just in case, but she was truly hoping she didn't have too.

"No! i think for once I'm good down here, please don't make me" she begged him. "Sorry i'd love to see what you can do" he grinned teasing her.

She glared. "You're mocking me" she realized and he burst out laughing. "Come on you want too, it would be fun" he said and she huffed.

"Can i say no?" she asked him.

"Nope," he shook his head. "You can get out now to prepare yourself" the head master said and she sighed getting up with her guitar in hand and walking out.

"People are terrified of me" she tried again. Alaric sighed knowing that was true. "I know, so lets see if you convince them with this" he reassured her.

Sabrina had a gut feeling for today and it wasn't only because she was now forced to participate in the talent show.


Sabrina was in a dilemma and it was stressing her out. She had two songs that couldn't decide on which to sing it was killing her greatly.

Hope walked in smiling and squealed when she saw her blonde friend standing there. "AH! Bri you're out of the cell" she said way too loud for Hope's normal voice volume...and excitment.

"Yeah Dr. Saltzman let me out...are you ok?" she asked her touching her forehead to see if she had any fever. Hope smiled and put her hand down.

"Of course, I'm just so happy, I'm doing an act today and with Landon how exciting so i gotta run, but before what are you singing?" she asked Sabrina who could barely keep up with how fast Hope was talking.

"I don't know i have this one that tells about me and its slow i can play with my guitar and then there's this one but its much faster and Dr. Saltzman said it would be good if i took this as a chance for people here not to run off scared" she answered.

Hope seemed in thought. "This one its so much better because of the beat and everything" she nodded and Sabrina raised her eyebrows.

"Hope are you sure you're ok?" she asked Hope waved her off. "Yes i am, now i gotta go find Landon, see ya" she hugged her squishing her way too hard her face was like a fishes.

When Hope was out the door Sabrina gasped when she felt her ear sting a little. She shook her head and smiled picking up the beat up song.

"Perfect" it was like from her angry and down state change in just seconds. She now felt happy, excited and ready to rock the talent show.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

She's infected!!!!! or compelled or whatever you want to call it.

Oh i truly wonder how Sabrina will be, maybe the complete opposite of how she really is. Because she is never happy or smiling. She's always sarcasstic and serious.

She will be in the talent show yay, obviously she'll sing will be a Sabrina Carpenter song, but which one do you think it'll be?

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Comment what you think!!



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