11 || Too Drunk To Remember

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Sabrina entered Rousseau's she remembered this was a place half bar and half restaurant.

Right now she didn't feel good. Not that she was sick, but full of guilt. She just burned up the Mikaelson's Christmas tree and why? Because she couldn't control herself...again.

It angered her.

It pissed her off that everything she did turned out bad. Sometimes the anger, the darkness she could control it. But others it was like it took control over her own magic then her brain.

'Blackthorns are stupid'

She thought as it was her last name, the bloodline she was born into that gave her the magic of darkness. Why didn't they ever control themselves? She never knew and she probably never know.

Alaric and Mr. Williams didn't know much about dark witches like her. They knew about the ones that did one spell and got obsessed.

But not the ones born with that magic.

She sat on a table and sighed holding back the tears that threatened to fall out of her blue eyes.

"Hi, what can i get you?" asked a women in her twenties and Sabrina looked up already annoyed with her cheery voice.

"Uh...Bourbon?" she said hoping they would let her drink. She never had actually tried the Bourbon, but having heard it was all Alaric, Klaus, Kol and Elijah drank then why not try it.

She wasn't an alcoholic. Never with her age, but she enjoyed the numbness it gave her after some drinks.

The women raised her eyebrows. "ID please?" she said not really convinced she was over age. Sabrina glared. "Don't have it" she said through grit teeth.

The women smiled sarcastically. "Then a soda will be" she wrote down and holding back the urge to snap her neck, Sabrina pursed her lips and waited for the very unwanted soda.

After some minutes the women came back with a Coca-Cola and Sabrina grabbed the glass taking a sip of it.

Her thoughts went back on why did she accept the invitation of coming to celebrate Winter break with Hope's family.

Maybe if she would have stayed back in Mystic Falls then she could have simply avoided this from happening to them and her.

The shocked faces were what made her feel worse. They were so happy about how the decoration turned out. And then she had to come and ruin it all.

"Lost in thought" said a voice and she jumped not realizing the guy in front of her. Her eyebrows raised and she looked at him.

"Who are you?" she asked not caring if it sounded rude, some stranger just sat with her for no reason. "Sorry you probably don't remember me, Darren Scott" he stuck out his hand for her to shake.

 "Sorry you probably don't remember me, Darren Scott" he stuck out his hand for her to shake

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She huffed. "Still not ringing the bell" she said and he sighed seeing she was much different sober then drunk.

"The guy who you danced, made out and bought you more then one drink at the club the other day" he said and she nodded.

She proudly smiles, he was really cute.

"Yeah...you see I was drunk and completely forgot about that happening, but totally believe as it would be something I'd do in a club" she said and he laughed at her.

"So how did I do?" he asked her and she did a thinking face. "Very good, I should get a pat on the back" she said smirking.

They laughed a little and she went to take a sip of her drink, but remembered it was soda and not alcohol.

Seeing her disappointed face he raised and eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked her and she looked at him the pointed to the drink.

"That waitress didn't want to give be Bourbon because of my age and so I got stuck with soda" she grumbled and he laughed at her which she glared at him. Seeing it wasn't funny for her he raised his hands up in surrender.

Her face wasn't happy and so he got an idea. Sabrina jumped when her soda slowly started turning into a orange transparent liquid.

"What the hell..."

When she heard a chuckle she looked up to see Darren with a smirk. Her confusion was big. She didn't do that and whoever did couldn't have known what she wanted. Unless it was Darren who could have done it and the only way was if he was a witch.

"Y-you did that?" she asked and he nodded. "What can I say magic is in me" he told her and her eyes widen. "Are you a witch?" she asked him and when he nodded she was surprised.

But it wasn't weird to think he could be a witch. There were a lot of witches in the French Quarter and so almost anybody could be something related to the supernatural.

"New Orleans coven, how about you?" he asked and she gulped shaking her head.

"What me...pf yeah right" she played off, but he didn't believe it.

"Come on Sabrina I know a witch when I see one" this made her uneasy as she couldn't tell him what kind of witch she was.

She sighed rolling her eyes. She shouldn't be trusting him, but what else does she got to lose. If anything he exposes her him himself exposes. "Loner no coven, normal witch that's all" she shrugged and he raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, you're something else, what's your last name?" he questioned again. A little annoyed she clenched her hands into fists.

"You already know my first name and stop questioning for all I know you could be a killer undercover or plotting against me, I've known the quarters witches, they're crazy" she smiled and he frowned.

"Plotting against others isn't my thing, but I do gotta agree on the crazy witches around here" he told her and she let out a giggle.

"Nice try but you still ain't getting my last name" she stated and he looked at her. "Then I'll get it out somehow" he challenged her and she scoffed.

"Wanna know something about me?" she asked and he nodded. "I'm a stone with secrets" her smirk told him she wasn't like other girls.

"Ok Sabrina"

"Ok Darren"

Her mind had cleared off a little about the tree she had burned. Darren had gotten her mind off it.

She wasn't like any witch or any girl he's met and he wanted to know more about her.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

You liked it? Now you know the name of the mystery guy. Haha, his names Darren and he's a witch from New Orleans.

Sabrina and him seem to get pretty along, huh. He knows she's something different, but she ain't spilling out any secrets.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Comment what you think!!



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