25 || At 12 o'clock

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Sabrina Blackthorn sat down on the floor looking out to the city of New Orleans as she cried down to her own sorrows.

She want in control anymore and by now it was a matter of minutes for her to be fully and utterly darkness.

The mercy in her will be now merciless.

Her guilt will never be felt.

Sadness will just be anger.

And love well...she never feel love.

As the breeze rushed around she didn't even shiver when she felt the wind pass by her skin. It was like being cold was herself now.

She could feel herself going darker and right now she was trying very hard to control herself.

Sabrina wanted for her last minutes to be peaceful because after this she wont be. Dark witches are always hunted by their mistakes and she has sure as hell have a lot.

But instead of fixing them, they make more. Which wasn't something she was looking forward too.

"She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that's best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes..."

Klaus looked at the girl as she snapped her head to him when he recited a small part of a poem. Her eyes were confused as they bore into his.

"You're not supposed to be here" she stated not wanting him to be here when she is gone.

It was like a werewolf first full moon or a vampires first fed. She was dangerous and him being here wasn't safe.

"I don't follow what people tell me" he grinned at her as he stood there a few feet away. She huffed and turned to look back at the city.

But before he could see her more clear she whipped the tears away. Klaus Mikaelson was a very observant person, so whipping the tears didn't work as he had seen her eyes shine as the salty eye water brighten up her eyes.

"You can be here but over there" she pointed far behind him. He knew what she was doing. She had lost all hope, nothing left in her. And Klaus wasn't going to let that happen.

"Have you lost all hope this fast?" he walked over sitting beside her. The blonde girl looked at how their hands ended one inch apart and so moved a little to the side.

She didn't even know what she could do. Maybe if she touched him he'd die, but it was better now then never.

"Hope is for losers" her laugh made him concerned.

It was true Sabrina never really has had hope. When she did a test, new friends, meeting new people. Having something to hope meant wishing for good things to happen and that wasn't a a Sabrina thing to do. Not because she wanted it, but because it was a fact.

"That's not true"

"Klaus just stop please stop!" she let out. "You've been telling me the same thing all day please get it in your head, I'm not good, i was never good...i was so mad when i came here i killed three people in the way and wanna know the worse part," she was shaking. "I didn't feel guilty for it, but simple satisfaction, powerful and I'm terrified to feel that way about taking a life, because if this is know what's gonna happen to me in 10 years, ill probably end up being the only person alive and why because I'm a dark witch, a Blackthorn a girl from a cursed coven for the rest of my life, so please if you're going to be here don't talk to me about being good just don't, cause you wont change it"

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