30 || Don't Mock Her

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

{pretend it's the schools}

{pretend it's the schools}

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Sabrina walked through the halls of the school her uniform always perfect and so is her hair

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Sabrina walked through the halls of the school her uniform always perfect and so is her hair. She could hear as people whispered about in the hallways.

The Blackthorn witch truly tried to ignore them but it was impossible when literally everybody was talking about her.

It was like she was now the center of attention and had taken Lizzie's place in the spot light. "Got anything better to do then stare and talk about me, I'm pretty i know but look away" she said to everybody who immediately looked down and walked as fast as they could.

She wasn't someone with the skill of smelling fear. But hell could she see it in everybody that passed by her. It was like they had seen a monster.

Yet maybe she was a monster, after all she was bad news for anybody.

Sighing at her thoughts, she walked to her next class. The one she had with Dorian. -

As her heeled feet walked inside the classroom she made sure to sit in the far corner. Sighing she leaned her head on the table looking down.

She could barely sleep last night due to her and Klaus talking and then thinking on how will her life go. She knew people would be shocked to hear what was happening to her because of the assembly Alaric did.

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