Cover up!

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I finally made my way to Momo "Hey momo!"
Momo turned around just now realizing I was there
"Oh,Hey (Y/N). I heard we're getting our hero costumes today!" I was actually kind of excited I didn't get to design it my Mom did. As I walked to the classroom and sat down I couldn't help but think about my out burst on the "track" I was suddenly really embarrassed.

I started to feel bad for the guys so I decided to go up to them and apologize. Momo realized I got up so she came with me. "H-Hey guys..." all the sudden every guy in the class turned to me. I started to get nervous and some small things like erasers and pencils started to float. Momo reassured me so then everything dropped safely. "I just wanted to apologize for my outburst on the track" A red headed shark boy? Looked at me.

He started to speak "No I'm sorry it was so unmanly of us to hang up on a girl." I felt better so I asked for his name. "Thanks also what's your name?" "Eijiro Kirishima!" "Oh well hi kirishima! I hope we can be friends!" He nodded and I walked back to my seat. Momo looked super surprised that a boy had apologized. She opened her mouth and then "And here I thought all boys here were pigs!" I snickered and hit Momo's arm playfully. As I sat down Aizawa sensei walked in. "I AM WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I looked to see.... ALL-MIGHT!? He walked to the front of class and started to explain how we were gonna do combat training! I heard a porcupine "Combat..." then a bush "Training." Almost as if he was finished he's sentence for him. "For this combat training you will be using your costumes!" He pressed a button and out cake suitcase looking things with numbers on them.

I took mine easily because I was fairly tall. I went to the locker room when a alien looking girl came up to me "Your (Y/N) Right!" I simply nodded. "Then you must be really cool!" I decided to take this opportunity to make a pun. Little did I know the whole i looked through was still there allowing for the boys to here our conversations "Not a cool as Todoroki though" I said then everyone started to snicker all the sudden I heard laughing from the other side. "HAHAHAH you here *huff* that Icey hot she made a HAHAHAH Joke about your quirk HAHAHAH"

I immediately just wanted to sink into a puddle until I saw Jiro stick here earphone jack through a hole in the wall and screams! It turns out Mineta was trying to be a perv and look through the hole in the wall. I quickly got changed not feeling safe anymore I realized my costume was skin tight. it was really reviling too you could almost see everything. I then looked over to Momo and immediately felt better about my costume.

(The costume)

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(The costume)

I walked out slowly feeling a little self conscious I walked out with momo. "Damn (Y/N) didn't think you were the reviling type" I looked behind me to see Denki Kamanari I immediately threw him with my telekinesis. "Oh my gosh (Y/N) Are you alright!" I looked up and saw The Mina girl? "Yea just a little cat call" "That darn Kamanari always thinking he can just cat call girls like that!" I laughed a bit then spoke "Well if he keeps that up he'll never find love" kirishima started saying "OOHHHHHHH"

I laughed and pat him on the back "Hey (Y/N)! I hope we're partners for combat training!" Kirishima said "Me too!" I walked over to All-Might as he called the teams I blocked him out until I heard my name "TEAM B AGAINST J" I was pared up with kirishima and Sero I explained our tactic And realized that Todoroki might try to  immediately try to freeze us to the ground so I told them to jump as soon as it started.

We hid the bomb and we had kirishima walk around to try to fight them since he was basically a human rock hybrid while Sero and I guarded the bomb. "AND START" I was right Todoroki tried to freeze us into the ground till I yelled "JUMP" we all had dogged the attack I started to make everything but my teammates and the bomb get stuck to the ground "SERO KIRISHIMA NOW!" Sero wrapped up Todoroki and shoji while kirishima kept guard "VILLAINS WIN!" I went over to Todoroki and shoji made them float s little and untied them and "Get your fear ready I'm gonna drop you!" I did they both landed safely

Shotos POV
I started with a long range ice attack wanting to get this over with and yet she knew I was gonna do that. How did she defeat me! Was I missing something I had a full Prof plan! Was it because I under estimated her team work abilities was I to sure of my self I dont understand how she wo- "Hey Todoroki! That was one hell of a match! I thought I was gonna lose for sure!" I mumbled "so did I." "Huh did you say something Todoroki!" "Oh no I was just thinking to my self" She just dominated me even when she thought she was gonna lose!? "Umm Todoroki are you ok?" "Yes now if you excuse me I have to go train so that I don't get defeated again." "Man your cold Todoroki Shōto" "Please don't use my first name when we aren't even friends" "oh I thought we were friends" "Well you were wrong now if you excuse me" I hit her shoulder a little while I walked away.

What just happened.... on day we are looking out for each other and the next he throws me into traffic he sure is a weird one...
~~~1017 Words~~~

Man you're cold~ Shoto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now