Chapter One

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The little kid's face was flushed, her cheeks a rosy red. She wasn't self-conscious as far as Remus could tell, for it was almost as if she'd just been running. The shoulder of her jumper was ripped and soaked with a dark burgundy liquid- blood?Oh Merlin, she's probably hurt. The older boy that was with her wasn't much better off, the cheek Remus could see from the side was bruising, and he was leaning over as if he couldn't breathe. Their clothes definitely resembled that of Hogwarts students- both grey sweaters, but neither were wearing robes. They were unfamiliar to Remus, however.

"Woah, woah, woah," Words came tumbling out of the newly appointed prefect's mouth before Remus could do much to stop them, as he approached the blonde kid, whose hands were leaning on one of the benches in the corridor. Was he going to be sick? When Remus decided, ultimately, that the boy wasn't going to hurl all over his best robes, he took to the boy's side and set him on the bench. The girl hovered near, and when Remus looked back at her, reacted in a way that made Remus only more unsettled. He'd never seen them here before. But the girl was trembling, and scared.

Fuck, I have to do something. Third day of the term and the Slytherins already went for a couple of third-years? Padfoot won't be pleased.

Remus blinked in hesitation, then decided. "I'm not going to take points off you for being out after hours," he said with some semblance of authority, completely out of his element, "But I think that as a prefect I'm going to help. What do you need, who did this?"

The girl- Remus guessed she was in third, maybe even fourth year- let out a breath she'd been holding, for how long Merlin knows. She didn't seem like a fellow Gryffindor, at least, Remus would have recognised her, she had long, dark hair and high cheekbones and grey-blue eyes and looked a lot like his friend Sirius. She could be in Slytherin, but who else would have done this other than one of them lot? The kid looked like she was trembling, not out of fear, but because of something else. And the blond boy that was with her- he had rather noticeable features as well. They could have been siblings, or at least cousins, they had the same eyes and all. Remus would have seen that sort of platinum blond hair around Hogwarts, come to think of it, the kid looked almost too much like Sirius's Slytherin cousin from seventh-year, she had the same blond hair. She was the only student at Hogwarts that had that sort of hair. I should know, I stare at her too much...

The girl was biting her lower lip now, looking from Remus to the boy, as if she was making a decision. But while she did so, she seemed like she was about to cry. "I don't bite," Remus said jokingly, but the girl didn't seem to like that, because her grey eyes widened and she was staring at him worryingly. Funny, she looks a bit like Sirius last year in the forest when we ran into the acromantulas...I wonder how they're related...

Remus was getting distracted. "What's your name?" He asked carefully, surely, she'd be able to answer that. "We'd better get your friend to the hospital wing. He doesn't look too good. And your shoulder, it should be looked at."

"It was only a cutting curse, I should be fine," The girl said finally, in a soft voice that reminded Remus of someone but he couldn't place it. She was looking down at the boy, who was steadily getting more incoherent on the bench, "Draco wasn't so lucky, though."

The boy's name was Draco. Remus figured that him and the blond boy were the same age, but he was definitely not in their year at Hogwarts. Maybe the year below, then? But I would have seen them around, they're definitely not students...

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