Chapter Two

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Aquila briefly considered skipping breakfast, before her stomach betrayed her with a growl. She wasn't sure when she'd last eaten. It couldn't have been that long ago. But then again, she and Draco had arrived in the past three days ago and she was already in a right mess. Draco had already been cursed by an older year called Mulciber for absolutely no reason at all, as far as she could tell. Maybe Draco had said something to him, maybe not, but it didn't change the fact that he was now in the hospital wing and Aquila was very alone.

Being at Hogwarts in the 1970s was hard enough, but having to share a dorm with her unknowing (and dead) thirteen-year-old mother was hardly soothing. Laurel McKinnon was a patient but thankfully kind girl, who Aquila would have very much liked to be friends with, aside from the fact that she hung out with despicable people. There was Roseanne Vane, who made fun of her spelling, and Heather Kelly, who was a nasty, giggling girl that sort of reminded Aquila of Pansy Parkinson. There was Elizabeth Meadows, who was nice enough but she was a little frosty to meet.

She'd caught a few glimpses of her father sitting at the Slytherin table with his friends- and Merlin, did they look alike. Aquila was dreading the day when someone would inevitably point it out. But at the same time, she was conflicted, because she actually liked how she looked a lot like her (also dead) father. It was a hindrance to her in this time period, though, when she had no identity and no reason to look like him at all. They had the same big eyes, straight nose, and delicate bone structure.

Aquila walked down to breakfast while taking in the other students that she would now have to interact with in this time period. She recognised very few people, save for her parents, and shehad met a young Professor Lupin last night. She'd also caught a glimpse of her (admittedly, mad) Uncle Sirius, and speaking of...

"Is that her?" Aquila heard a whisper from some distance behind her as she sat down near the end of the Gryffindor table.

"Yes, her name's Aquila."

"She hasn't got a surname?"

"I don't know!"

"Okay, thanks, mate, I'm going to go around. See you later."

There was a passing interval of about five seconds before a boy with very long, very curly hair sat down in front of her. It was her uncle, although the fifth-year before her didn't exactly know that.

"Something the matter?" Aquila asked, somewhat dryly. He had been sort of looking at her, but that seemed to snap him out of whatever stupor he seemed to be in.

"Sorry, I just noticed that you greatly, er, resemble someone I know," The kid said, in slightly stumbled-over French. Aquila smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"My name's Sirius Black. I'm a friend of Moony, you know, the prefect sitting over there," His grasp of the language quickly improved, however. Aquila was a bit impressed. "You're Aquila, right? Rem told me about your brother. I was wondering if you were okay, and if you wanted to talk about what happened. Us lions help each other out, you see."

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