Day 1

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      For about a month now I've gotten out of a relationship that lasted for about a year and a half. This relationship was like any other, I would think. It was my first real relationship. We talked about our future plans together and supported eachother. But a month ago he fell in love with someone else , fell out of love with me therefore leading to breaking up with me. I was devastated and heartbroken because I thought this was going to last forever. But then I realized this just doesn't happen to me. Everyone gets their heart broken for the first time. Everyone has the one realization that this is just temporary hurt. This is where you realize how strong you can be. You don't have to vote for my story, I'm just doing this to speak or in this case write my thoughts down. I am currently still getting over the break up but what I do know is that I am strong and more happy. The happiest I have been.

Have a good day!🦋

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