Day 6

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How many days has it been now ?
I have not dreamt of this boy. Which is great.

The other day I watched a YouTube video. She spoke of her breakup. She gave some really good advice that I now use.

Before the video I saw my time with my ex a waste of time. Useless. And just not worth it at all. But then I looked at it more clearly and I'm happy with the few good moments we shared. Although they might not be true to him but to me they were. I've learned things from him that I wouldn't learn on my own or with others. He helped me with some things, one more important than the others. I now no longer have that problem that I did before I started dating him. So therefore I am happy for what I went through with him. He showed me that I am greater and deserve more than what I received from him. But yet I am thankful for what went through with him.

So thank you if you ever read this. Thank you  for what you've taught me. I forgive you for the worst you've done to me and all that matters now is that you're happy and I'm doing ok now. 

Have a good nights rest.

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