Chapter 3

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🍼🍼🍼🍼  Author's note  🍼🍼🍼🍼
It usually takes me a few days to write a chapter but I couldn't sleep so I turned on some music and started writing and ended up writing 3 chapters in under an hour but I don't want to release them all at the same time so you'll have to wait for them but hope you enjoy this chapter
Adam was the first to wake up the next morning. He sat up and looked over at the air mattress where Luke was sleeping. Luke had kicked his covers off in his sleep and Adam got a full view of his soaked pull up. Luke slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes and noticed Adam looking at him. "What?" Luke asked. "You put that pull up to good use last night" Adam said. Luke looked down and blushed as he saw his fully exposed soaked pull up. "I'm gonna go change" Luke said as he stood up and started to walk out but Adam stopped him. "Sense you wet the bed you have to follow the same rules as my little cousin so when you wake up wet you'll wear pull ups during the day" Adam said even though it was a lie he just wanted Luke to wear during the day. "What? That's not fair I'm not a little kid I don't need them during the day" Luke said. "Sorry but that's the rules" Adam said as he handed Luke another pull up. Luke grabbed the pull up and pouted as he left to change even though he was secretly happy. Luke walked into the bathroom with his back pack and the pull up. He undressed and threw away the wet pull up and changed into the new one then put on his favorite scooby doo shirt it was a bit childish for a 15 year old but he loved scooby doo. He then put on some blue jeans and his blue converse and walked out and went to the kitchen where he saw Adam cooking some pancakes and bacon and smiled because that was his favorite breakfast. Adam saw Luke walk in and smiled when a big grin appeared on Luke's face when he noticed what Adam was cooking. He then noticed Luke's scooby doo shirt which made Adam smile more at how cute it made Luke look.

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