Chapter 7

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Luke woke up the next morning next to a sleeping Adam still sucking his paci. He got out of bed and took the paci out and took off his wet pull up changing into underwear and a t-shirt and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Adam woke up a little while later to crying and ran to the kitchen finding Luke standing there in wet underwear with a cut on his hand and tears in his eyes. Adam panicked and picked him carrying him to the bathroom and grabbing the first aid kit. "buddy what happened?" Adam asked cleaning Luke's cut. Luke let out a small whine as Adam was cleaning his cut and explained how he was making breakfast and accidentally knocked over some knifes and cut himself as he was picking them up. "buddy next time wake me up if your hungry" Adam said bandaging the cut. Luke stayed quiet embarrassed  about the situation. Adam pulled off Luke's wet underwear and put him in a dry pull up "there all better now why don't you go grab scooby and watch tv while I make breakfast"

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