Chapter 6

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After wetting himself Luke was really embarrassed so they went straight home and Adam put a movie on for both of them. Luke fell asleep in the middle of the movie hugging scooby which he still hadn't let go of and his thumb found it's way into his mouth and he started to suck on it. Adam noticed Luke sucking his thumb and pulled it out of his mouth and replaced it with the paci he bought. Luke sucked on the paci and slept for an hour before he woke up and noticed it in his mouth but didn't take it out. He stood up with scooby in his arms and walked around looking for Adam. Luke found Adam in his room playing on his phone he sat on the bed infront of Adam and quietly pointed at the paci. "You were sucking your thumb in your sleep so i decided to give you a paci" Adam said. Luke nodded and laid his head in Adam's lap sleepily and closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Adam smiled Luke was already falling into head space he thought it would take longer but Luke was being pretty accepting of it and not fighting it so far hopefully it stayed that way.

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