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|| Warning: Mention about self harm & rape  ||



I was sitting in my living room when there was a knock on the door. I get up and check the peek hole and I smile brightly and quickly open the door and basically throw myself onto Adelaide and she wraps her arms around me tightly and slightly lifts me up.

"I missed you too!" She smiles and we let go of each other and I bring  her inside.

"Alright so here's the plan, I take you out to the park, we can go to a spa and get a mani pedi and then settle down at a café?" She asks and I nod with a smile

"Sounds like a plan, let me get my phone and keys." I say and jog to the living room and I grab my phone and on my way past the kitchen I grab my keys and I go with Adelaide.


"Jade." I hear Adelaide say and I look up and saw her pointing my phone at me and I cover my face.

"No, no pictures." I say behind my hand and she laughs and puts my hand down.

"Just one." She says and I take a sip of my drink before resting my head on my knuckles



As Adelaide and I sat in the massage chairs with our feet in the warm to hot water she looks over at me and holds her hand out and I sigh knowing what she was doing. I place my hand in hers and she turns my wrist over and pulls my orange sleeve back and she looks at my scars. She gently runs her finger over them before looking up at me. She lets go of my wrist and I give her my other wrist and she does the same thing. I slightly flinch when she gets to one of the more recent scars and she sighs.

"When?" She asks letting go of my wrist

"Last week." I say quietly and she sits back in her chair.

"Jade this has to end, please it's hurting me." She says and I place my hand on my wrist.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and she shakes her head.

"I will be here to support you through this along with Yulee, but we need you to want t help yourself." Adelaide says and I look up at her and saw tears in her eyes.



"I have to go but Yulee texted me to tell you to be ready because she is picking you up." Adelaide said as she stands at my door and I nod and she pulls me into a hug and I hug her back tightly.

"Don't leave me." She whispers before letting go and walking off.



After I pick up Jade, I take her to practice since Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin were blowing up my phone to bring her. I was to see that Jade was making new friends. I knew she's been struggling with depression and I want her to be able to have more than just two friends. I pull up to practice and we both were greeted by them. Since they knew he dance, they had me sit down and watch them so I could critique them. 

During the break, I was sitting against the wall on the floor watching the guys take a break and Jade practicing her Korean with Jungkook and Namjoon, them correcting her Korean and vise versa with their English. I smile and notice Taehyung walking over to me and I smile up at him and he sits next to me.

" I didn't want to ask because I don't want to trigger anything but is Jade depressed?"

"That's not my story to tell Tae."

"I...I saw cuts on her wrists when her sleeves rose up. I'm worried about her Yulee and I don't think she'll tell me"

"Fine, but don't tell her I told you or anyone at that matter. When Jade was born her parents left her out on the street in a dog kennel because they weren't ready and they didn't want to have a baby. She was found by authorities and was sent to an orphanage. In the orphanage, she was beat and wasn't really taken care of the way she should have. When she became a teenager she was homeless and sick due from the lack of food. She was treated nastily. My dad found her in an alleyway being raped. The man didn't have anything so that was the only 'pro'. My dad took her in and helped her get back on her feet. Every since then, she's slowly came around to my dad and I but she's never trusted us until she became a senior in high school before graduation. She's been cutting herself since...I don't know when but she usually covers herself with makeup. I guess today she forgot. She has a hard time talking to people and making friends but you guys...just make her feel comfortable despite the language barrier. She's trying and I'm proud of her for that. She gets hurts easily and she's very insecure." I explain quietly so the others won't hear us.

"Wow...I promise to make her happy." Taehyung says with a look of sympathy in his eyes

"Tae don't-"

"Please let me be the one to save her. I get she's like your little sister and you want to protect her, I do...but please. Let me be the one to save Jade." Tae says and puts his hands together

"Tae I...don't give her false hope please...she doesn't need it." I say quietly 

"I promise." He says taking my hand and looking me in my eyes and I sigh


"Yulee! Yulee! Kookie is teaching me how to write in Korean." Jade cheeses as she jogs over to us and crouches down in front of us, wrapping her arms around her knees though she didn't sit down. I smile at her and hold my hand up and she high fives me.

"That's great! After practice show me what you've learned." I say and she nods and jogs back over where Jungkook was gesturing for her and she sits criss cross in front of him, them both writing on paper. I smile and watch as they both say something before laughing and Jade points to what she wrote and Jungkook claps and they both high five each other. I look at Taehyung and saw him in deep thought and I nudge him.

"I can now tell the difference between her smiles...and her genuine smiles." He says, his eyes not leaving her and I nod

"Yeah, both pretty...but just seeing her face shine like that is just beautiful."

"Time's up! Back to practice." Namjoon says as the timer goes off and everyone goes back to the center and Jade waves goodbye to Jungkook and he does the same and goes to the center

"I just want her happy."

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