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|| Warning: Suicide attempt ||


I wake up to the sound of thunder and I roll over and realize I was late for work. I get up and I quickly get dressed and I head to the job and quickly head to my room when I was it completely cleared with my things in a single box. I see a note on the door. I take the note off the door and read it.

"Fired for not having enough enthusiasm? They can't do that!" I shout and I see a couple other photographers looking at me and I crumble up the paper and I pick up my box and storm out the building and head to my car. On my way there, a car splashes me with a large puddle, drenching my  clothes with the dirty water.

I lower my head getting stares and I walk faster to my car. I unlock my door and I place my things in the back and I get in the driver's seat. I lock the doors and I put my head on the steering wheel and I just cry. The only reason I was able to live in the apartment I was at was because of my job. I wipe my tears and I call Taehyung. The phone rings about three times before he answers.

"What?" He asks a little irritated and I feel my stomach turn as I sniff.

"T-Taehyung...I lost my job a-and I got splashed with wa-"

"Can this wait please? I'm in an important meeting and I can't afford to miss any more information." He says and I feel my heart break.

"S-sorry." I say and I hang up and I wipe my tears and I start to drive home. On my home I couldn't get Taehyung's words out my head and I start to cry more and end up stopping at my favorite restaurant and getting some food. After I eat to try and calm my mind, I go to the park and I just sit in my car and listen to the soft rain on the windshield. Close to dark I head home.

When I walk up to my apartment something felt off. I unlock my door but notice it was already unlocked. I slowly open the door and saw my window open, rain water on my empty tile floor. I drop my keys as I saw that my apartment was robbed. My whole place was a mess and all of my devices such as laptops and cameras, TVs and a couple of my Chinas along with some furniture was gone. I cry and I try to call Taehyung and I let it ring. As it rung, his words circle my mind and I start to cry even more that I didn't even hear him saying my name a couple times.

"I-I'm sorry Kim Taehyung....I...won't bother you again." I say and I hang up as all the hard work I had done to earn all the money to buy everything, was now gone. My hard work was gone, my job was gone, Tae was gone...everything was gone. I drop my phone as I saunter through everything and saw pictures smashed. I sigh and I see a note on the floor in the trashed yet empty living room. I walk over to it and pick up.

"Thank you for the free stuff" I read out loud and I go silent as the rest of the note was using derogatory terms and shaming. I drop the note as it feels  like this whole day was just done. All the work was gone and the person who I care about the most is upset with me and I became a distraction to him. 

"It was fun while it lasted. I knew I would screw our relationship up sooner or later." I sigh and I just grab my keys and I leave, not even wanting to be here anymore.

As I walk the streets in the pouring rain, my whole life plays in my head. Every single hard ship that I've gone through. My whole life has never been good. The people who are in my life get hurt no matter what and they all eventually lose interest in me, some faster than other. Nobody cared about me. They just didn't want to be around anyone depressed because they were looking out for themselves. Right when things go well just last week on my birthday, everything came crashing down.

I stop at a the bridge on the freeway. There weren't many cars due to the rain and I was glad. I don't want to traumatize anyone on my way down. I sigh and look down, my hair sticking to me and I start to cry. I look up stepping up to the railing and I grab the light post to help hoist me onto the railing.

"I'm sorry Adelaide. I'm sorry I was never the little sister you always wanted. I'm sorry Yulee for never being able to match your level of happiness...and I'm sorry Taehyung. I'm sorry." I sob as I stare at the roaring river water below me. I let go of the light post when I hear someone shouting and arms wrapping around my waist before I could lean any further and someone yanks me back, us both falling to the ground.

"Why? Why didn't you let me do it?" I sob, but all I hear is the person's heavy breathing.

"I won't let you leave me!" He shouts and I freeze momentarily before looking up, meeting an equally drenched Taehyung.


"Why would you do that to me? To Adelaide-Yulee!" He shouts and I look down as his breathing was still heavy and he stands up and grabs me and pulls me up and tightly hugs me and I hear him crying and I slowly wrap my arms around him. He pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

"Don't ever leave me, please." He says desperately, searching my eyes and I could see how hurt he was.

"I want to be the one by your side for everything."  He whispers as he presses his forehead to mine, the rain drenching us both, our breaths heavy.

"Then Save me, Kim." 

"I can only save you if you allow me." He says and kisses my forehead.

"Please, just let me save you." His voice breaks as he moves his head to my shoulder and sobs. I cry, never experiencing someone care for me this much as he did.


"No! I want you to know how much I care for you and how much you mean to others." He says and I run my hands through his hair before letting out a shaky breath.

"Okay." I say and he looks up at me.

"Promise me you won't ever do that again."

"I promise."

"Good, now let's go before we get sick."


I lay in Adelaide's guest room looking at the TV as I listened to both her and Yulee arguing about something. I hear my door open and I look over and saw Taehyung coming in with a tray with a pitcher and two cups. He gently sets it on the bed stand.

"Hot tea." He says and hands me a cup and I thank him quietly and sit up and drank the tea, feeling it go down my throat.

"When do you have to go back?" I ask, watching him drink Tea and he looks at me and wipes his mouth with a napkin.

"Not until you're better." He says and I hum and finish my tea and the arguing get louder.

"Hey let's get some rest. I'll be in the next room. I'll leave the tea in here." He says and walks to the door.

"Tae." I say and he stops and looks at me.

"Can you stay with me?" I ask and he nods and walks to the opposite side of the bed and I cuddle into him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Tae." I say quietly, earning a hum.

"Thank you."

"Anything for a friend."

Save Me, Kim | KTH AMBW |Where stories live. Discover now