🍬Pay Attention Shumai!🍬

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Kokichi whined as his boyfriend sat on their bed reading. "Shumaiiii!" Kokichi whined. "I'm BOREDDDDD!" Kokichi huffed. Shuichi glanced up, then looked back down. "Then go get a book off the shelf." Shuichi responded. "B-But!" Kokichi stuttered. He then began to cry crocodile tears. Shuichi rolled his eyes. Kokichi nuzzled his way under the book and wrapped his arms around the others waist. Kokichi nuzzled his face into the blue-hairs chest. Kokichi gave a sigh of relief. Shuichi ran his fingers through his hair absentmindedly while reading. A few hours had passed and he though Kokichi had fallen asleep. Boy was he wrong. Kokichi punched him lightly on the arm. "Shumai! It's been—like..a whole month!" Kokichi whined. "PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!" He huffed. Shuichi laughed a little. Kokichi looked up and pouted. Kokichi sat on the edge of the bed and began thinking. Kokichi thought for a few more minutes before getting up. Shuichi, didn't care and continued to read. "Shumaiii~!" Kokichi purred. Shuichi sighed and looked up. Shuichi blinked a few times taking in his boyfriends image. He had Shuichis jacket on, nothing else. The jacket was hanging off his frame, exposing his shoulder. Shuichi blushed and just picked his book back up. Kokichi blinked processing what happened. The Shuichi he knew would've had a nose bleed by now?! Kokichi ran a hand through his hair before going onto plan B. A few minutes had passed and Shuichi began to be nervous thinking what the little gremlin was planning. Shuichi heard a scream and faint crying. He got off the bed slowly and cautiously. He opened the bathroom door only to have it slammed behind him as he was pinned to the door. "Gotcha!" Kokichi cheered. Shuichi huffed. Shuichi reaches down and turned the handle causing the door to open suddenly. Shuichi moved back a step and caught Kokichi before he hit the ground. Shuichi picked him up and put him on the bed. He put a bookmark in his book, placing it on the bedside table. Shuichi got into the bed, Kokichi scooting over for him to get in. He leaned over and flipped off the lamp. Shuichi wrapped his arms around Kokichi. Kokichi nuzzled into his chest. Shuichi felt bad that he had made his boyfriend wait so long so he leaned down and began nibbling on his ear. Kokichi blushed and gave a tiny moan. Shuichi smiled. Shuichi kissed his cheek as the two began drifting off to sleep. Kokichi was happy just to have his boyfriend put the book down.

Lmao sorry if it was short XD

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