Chapter 1: The past and The Present.

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Shadow the hedgehog, has helped save the world more than once and knows nothing about his past. His memory of his past was somehow erased, and he has been searching for answers ever since he was freed by Rouge.

Shadow at this point of time couldn't trust the people who says they are his friends. The only people he can trust were Rouge, the chaotics, and Amy. Shadow felt warm whenever he was around her.

Shadow: why do I have these weird feelings for her?

Shadow then felt light headed, and felt his mind make an old memory appear. He saw a girl running from some solders.

Shadow: Maria!

He watches in horror as Maria gets shot as he falls to earth in a cybernetic tube.

Shadow: Why Maria, why?

Shadow steps out of his memory and back to reality. As he wakes up the clouds turned to black and weird looking creatures fell out of the sky.

Shadow: what is this?

Just as he says this, a tall dark figure spawns in front of Shadow. It had black skin with multiple small red eyes and horns.

Shadow: who are you?

???: oh Shadow, you don't remember do you?

Shadow: remember what? You better tell me now or I swear I'll...

???: how's Maria doing, or do you have someone else on your mind?

Shadow: how do you know about Maria?

???: it would be such a shame if that pink hedgehog were to, oh I don't know get in the middle of something she wasn't suppose to.

Shadows body started to glow a dark red, and releases a Chaos Blast.

???: your anger makes you weak.

Shadow: I swear to go I'll...

???: Do you wish you could change the past? Maria, the ARK, and even what happens in the future.

Shadow: I don't know who you are, but I swear I'll kill you and your creatures.

???: I would like to see you try.

Shadow watched as his figure disappeared and release explosions next to Shadow.

Shadow: what did he mean by... oh my god Amy!

Shadow jumps onto his bike and drives his way to the city, which was being destroyed by the black creatures.

Shadow: what is this? where are the others?

Shadow sees a giant creature shooting at a few of the G.U.N who were trying to defend the city.

Shadow: time to end this.

Shadow jumps off the motorcycle and shoots at the creature until the bike is destroyed and explodes.

Shadow: hmm, not as tough as I thought.

G.U.N solider 1: stop right there.

The G.U.N solider points his gun at Shadow, and walks closer to him.

G.U.N solider 2: what are you doing? He's on our side.

G.U.N solider 1: I'm following orders, now help me...

He was interrupted by a gun shot to the chest by another black creature. Shadow sees this and kills the creature.

G.U.N solider 2: we're not gonna be able to defend the city, we need to get the people out before something bad happens.

The solider runs off for Shadow to be left in the middle of the street, alone.

Shadow: what are those things? I can't stay here for long, I need to find Amy and get her out of the city.

Shadow runs off into the city to try and find Amy and the others. The unknown figure watches this from a distance.

???: run Shadow, wait for the pain to surge through your body before I destroy the last things you have ever cared for.

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