A New Day

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Social Ladder 

"Hey Joshua!" someone hit on me for a few times, and then a group of people surrounded me. I was in fear, I only know fear till' this point in my life.

"This crap is going to face everything he's going to face today, tomorrow, and next week. A new policy of the populotsy is to eliminate any nerds that pass this very hallway, especially this geek," I heard laughs and I can see multiple pointing at me.

Now, I can feel substances hit on my chest and my head. My right hand slowly reached for my hair, and I can smell a very irritating smell from my body. My odour is starting to get out of control.

"And now for the slime! Say cheese Joshua," as they pour the liquid, I smell rather hideous, I remained calm. I can see something flashing in front of me. 

"This will get hot in twitter!" they laughed and left me alone. I cringed, dumb founded.

"Joshua, are you okay? Those jerks are total idiots!"

"Do not say a word Jessica, do not say a word. I will cry and I will go home because what we know is fear, worrying about me is fear"

"Why are you saying this?" I walked away ignoring her. 

Sodium and chlorine! 

"Did you take note when I said salt components both common, uncommon, and sea salt?"

"Of course I did, I don't want to fail in my first day"

"Good," I saw Collin and Jessica approach us. 

"Hi Jackson..."

"Hey Jack"

"What's up?"

"Not the time to joke...," Jessica started crying, Collin comforted her.

"Hey, girls going to talk, you boys stay put," Jessica and Sony asked Smith's to the bathroom so that she can wash her face, Smith's let them out, fast.

"What happened Collin?" Collin sighed. Looking down, worried.

"You know that Joshua's nerdy and geeky and too smart right?"


"Well, he went home this morning"


"We humans only know one word: fear"

"What does that have to do with us, or with Joshua?"

"His last words before he went home was that, I don't know how to requote it or rephrase it"

"Aside of that, what really happened? Causing him to go home so early?"


"-hi guys"

"Hi, did you wash your face already?" Collin gave a look at Jessica, she shook her head vigorously.

"Well, we better get going, let's go Collin, we do not want to fail right?"


"Let's go!" I raised an eyebrow, curiously.

"What was that all about?"

"Joshua was bullied this morning, they don't want you to know because they know that you are going to worry and panic"

"Well, Joshua and I are really close, we are best friends. Just like Sodium and chlorine..."

"Well, there is one thing, good point, and, let's continue our work"


Home sweet home 

I woke up, unaware of my messy surroundings. In case you don't know, as a sister, I like drinking wine, sometimes I end up in my brother's room. That's also because I have projects and a lot of things to do midnight, winde helps me stay awake and coffee, so I'm pretty caffeinated. Wine does not affect me at all, so if you think I'm insane drinking wine all night, it helps, but I would get drunk and sleep here so, what gives? I woke up, prayed, and looked around, it was spick and span.

Since when did he had the guts to clean his own room? I wonder...

"Sammy! Won't you come downstairs honey? Breakfast's ready!"

"I'm on my way!" I looked at the wall clock, it was half past nine. I put on my slippers and slid down from the staircase. Our mansion is big - of course it is, why would it be called a mansion if it were to be a worm hole? - and the staircase are so shiny that you can slide down the railings with no worries at all.

"There's someone on our door, can you go get it?"

"On my way there too," I opened the door and there was Joshua standing there.

"Joshua? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" he hugged me - he smells - and I hugged him tightly, trying to ignore the smell of his body odour. 

"What happened?"

"C-can I, co-come in pl-please?" he pleaded and I welcomed him. Closing the door I can see that he's in the kitchen - fast. 

"Oh sweetheart, what happened to you?"

"I got bullied..."

"Again? Well, I better call your mother"

"But she's out of town for the next few days, it's just me and Jessica...she's at school now"

"So you went home in the morning, straight away after they bullied you?"

"Who bullied you?"

"The populotsy..."

"Hey, I've been in your position, before I became the known Sammy! It will end, don't worry"

"Yes sweetheart, school is just the beginning, being and adult is even more harder. No one would care about you when you go to university to study, not even a word!"

"Well, there will be some people that would talk you to you"

"Good point Sam, mom's proud of you," I giggled and a smile planted on Joshua's face.

"You guys are the best! Even though you aunt, as an adult, is fun to talk to. And Sam, thank you so much!"

"You are welcome, now, are you going to take a bath or what?"

"Of course"

"Jackson wouldn't mine if you borrow his clothes"

"Oh yeah, I remembered you can eat after you take a shower"

"Thank you!" Joshua went up and I let him go himself. He used to have sleep overs so often back then, that now? He wouldn't have to go on a tour around my house! Awesome memory.

"I really feel bad for him...his mom is out there with his dad, trying to get rid of that kiddo..."


"Yep, truth hurts. They don't want him because he can't be used as a tool and rather useless if you look at it in potential to doing businesses overseas"

"Why would they do that? Joshua's still in school! He's smart, and is it because of him nerdiness and geekiness?"

"You bet"

"Is that why he comes crying over here all the time?"

"Mom and dad is going to get rid of me?" wow, he's fast, and clean. Wide-eyed mom covered her mouth. And she burst into tears running to her bedroom with her coffee.

"No, they're trying to get rid of your clothes, they are rather a bunch of junk, they tell"

"Tell me," uh-oh, not good.

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