Accusations Fly

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Joshua's Dark Side - Sammy's Point Of View

"What are they trying to do to me?!!!"

"Calm down kid, calm down!"

"Oh no Sammy, not this time! I'm not going to let bullies bully me, I'm not going to let anyone hurt me no more! Oh yeah, why don't I ask them myself? They're home by now!" Joshua and I pulled apart. 


Joshua's Dark Side - Joshua's Point Of View

I ran as fast as I could, going home without catching any breath. I need to know what my parent's are up to.

I opened the door, tha handle almost broke.

"Hello hun! Great to see my handsome son!" I looked at them with fear, anger, skepticism, horrifying, and emotional feelings. My eyes are full of lust.

"Leave me alone," I stammered.

"Sweetheart, I made bacon and eggs for you! Special welcome from your dear parents," mom walked toward me with a white plate. Its vacancy is vanished because there is my favorite dish planted on it. I took the plate and smashed it into pieces. 

"What are you? Who are you?!"

"We're your parents darling!"

"Hideous creatures! Get out of my sight!" I ran upstairs and cried, I do not want to see their faces!

"Honey! Mom and dad's got gifts for you!"

"You're the one who made me like this! I hate you both!"

"What are you possibly thinking about honey?" I took a knife from my drawer and I threw it on to my bedroom door, it's sticking out. 

"Joshua! Calm down! It's me, Jessica!"

"Don't get near mom and dad, you'll get hurt real bad Jess!"

"What are you talking about?!" I cried my hardest, I couldn't resist my crying, I was really heartbroken. 

"You are a boy, not a damsel in distress! Don't be such a crybaby! No wonder mom and dad wants to get rid of you! You're acting in a very childish way!" my heart stopped beating, there was a really long, intense silence. 

"He-hello? Mom? Dad? Jess!" I cautiously opened my door and I could see blood all over the floor. The carpet was mushy. There is a blood trail leading to my parent's room. I ran to my parent's room and...terror. Jessica was on their bed, trying to be killed by father and mother was holding her so she wouldn't get away. 

Dad frantically tried to stab her to death. I could see nothing but weapons all over the table. I took a bow and an arrow and aimed for mother's left and right arm. She was demon-possessed, so was father. She was unconscious. Dad looked at me with anger and emotional just burst out of his head and mouth.

"You son of bitch! Look at what your mother did to me! Gahhh!!!" I aimed at dad's left leg and it wasn't blood that came out, a fluid, blue nitrogen, out of his body. I smelled it and examined it more carefully, it was drugs, mixed with blood. 

"Joshua, let's go!" Jessica grabbed my hand and we immediately called the police.

"So your parents tried to stab your sister to death while you tried to make the unconscious?"

"Yes, I didn't mean any harm to them and needn't did they harmed my sister because she survived. I shot them because not long after they tried to stab my sister, I was aimed with a gun that's why the remained unconscious" 

"Okay, we'll have the CSI examine your house, you kids stay put with Samantha. She's over there, right next to the car where we pulled up" 

"Thank you"

"My pleasure," we quickly ran, and guess who is Samantha, it's Sammy. 


"Hi Sam, we were sent here by Wyatt, you're a police?"

"Of course, I knew this would have happened. I'm really sorry of what happened in my house recently Joshua, we didn't want to hurt your feelings"

"But it's still not okay you know, you could've just told me"

"Well, you parents were drunk and they have a life that is a mess. Believe, I could've sworn you if I were to be their children I would just kill them!" I looked down and Jessica rubbed my back in comfort.

"I-I mean, I'm sorry, it's just that your parents..err.."

"I know, I never told you this Jess, but, I remember the past. Everything is coming back to me. I remembered that once, father and mother was having sexual intercourse, not with each other, but with other man and woman. I knew because their voices cannot be fooled. It was clear"

"You knew?" Sammy looked at me seriously, I nodded.

"Wow, how can you know?"

"Remember when I told you we have another minor sense added?"


"My memory is like a flashing camera, I can look at 'pictures' that I capture or I can hear past thoughts and voices just like a voice recorder"

"And Jessica?"

"She can read minds, and sense someone's in danger"

"You guys are awesome twins"

"It would be more awesome if we were in unison with our parents...magic happens"

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