Chapter 1 You look like yourself, but somebody else

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The Baku squad as the annoying bunch of extras called themselves headed towards the food court. That's when the Alpha Bakugou caught an annoying bit of green broccoli headed omega fluff passing with the floaty bitch. Icy hot and fucking engine boy where there as well practically clinging to the smiling idiot Deku. 

Bakugou hated this burning feeling every time he caught Deku smiling or laughing with the weak ass Canadian flag alpha fucker or anyone for that matter. It didn't help that there was a rumor floating around shitty broccoli boy and Elsa were dating. In fact, the two were openly holding hands!

Bakugou's thoughts were cut short when a deep scratchy voice interrupted the lame ass mall music, the sounds of screams somewhere nearby only added to the suddenly tense atmosphere.

"Attention mall shoppers, will Hero Deku report to the fountain in the middle of the mall's ground floor. I repeat will Hero Deku report to water fountain ground floor. I know you're here somewhere Deku my green symbol of peace. Come out to play." The scratchy voice eerily calm but full of obvious malice continued. "Oh, and Hero Deku, if you don't show your face, I'll have to begin killing innocents starting with floor one moving up to floor two etcetera etcetera.  " The deep muddled voice sounded put out by this idea and bored. "I really hate to do such a messy thing. Can't say the same for my students. Anyway, now may be the time to say all entrances are blocked and cell phones are out of service. I'll be waiting Deku my annoying little broccoli!"

The mall went silent, the PA 's loud high pitched feedback sounded causing several people to clasp their hands over their ears. Then the music played again but no one moved. Civilians  just looked around whispers of "who's Deku?" Of course no one had heard of him yet, Deku wasn't a fucking hero. Not even close!

This had to be a damn joke! The blond alpha sneered at the mixed scents of anxiety and fear coating the air,  forcing the group of UA students to breath from their mouths. Bakugou then noticed several suspicious characters dressed in black hoodies and variations of black pants or skirts, standing menacingly near the exits. Why the fuck did they want that shitty weak omega nerd? A question his group echoed.

Bakugou didn't care he made his way in the direction he last saw the green haired omega. He found the Broccoli boy he was looking for, Icy Hot had him by the arm arguing with a determined greenette. For some reason the force the dual toned alpha was using pissed Bakugou off. Who did that bastard think he was hurting Bakugou's Deku like that!


"Midoriya it could be a different person. Why would these villains want-" Todoroki's unusually demanding tone broke through Katsuki's temporary existential crisis.

"It doesn't matter. Besides Deku is a nickname Kaachan gave me, how could someone else have it? I know you're saying I'm not a hero yet, and I know nobody would want insignificant me but I can't take the chance now let go!" Izuku started to glow green using a small blast of one for all one percent, enough to blow his startled friends away. " I'm sorry!" The idiot shouted, ignoring Uraraka and Iida yelling his name,  however Todoroki was on his feet running after his friend. Boyfriend?

Bakugou didn't hesitate, as always quick as fuck, he followed close behind Deku. The little bastard was fast his height and small stature aided him as he ducked through the crowds and disappeared.

Bakugou barreled through the panicking idiots, finding the near empty escalator. A familiar broccoli boy was already at the bottom, having run down the paused stairs.

Bakugou refused to be left behind instead he slides down the rail or rather skis down propelling himself with his hands. Opposite him he could see icy hot imitating him but with ice. Tch, loser.

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