The New Girl -Part 1 of 2- Make The Other Moan

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(I made this while writing >w< this is them in a every day outfit)

-Grian's pov-

I woke up before Cookie and got started to get ready. I already undressed but just then she woke up. While she is rubbing her eyes and stiring, I manage to get my pants on but I'm still shirtless when she fully wakes up. "Uhhmm.." We said at the same time. We both blush so I hurry up and put the rest of my school uniform on. "I will wait on the main floor so you can change in here.." I say still blushing. "Okay.. See you in a minute Grian - Chan~" Cookie says very fast. I head up the stairs and leave her to get ready. Taurtis is watching Hunter X Hunter while Sam is making carrot soup. "Hey Taurtis, hello Sam!" I say feeling pumped because it's Friday. "Aye Grian probable should let you know Cookie is a vegetarian like me! Also if you are to ever get her food she really likes berries and soup, her favorite sweets are Pocky just like you!" Sam said happily. I'm still blushing a little bit when Cookie comes up but she looks so adorable and I blush even more. "Come on or we are going to late, also.. Sam I don't want to get into any avoidable fights today so lay off you attitude, please." Cookie said yawning. "Aww okay fine... But there's this one 'superhero' guy..." Sam says trying to convince her. She sighs, "If he goes at your thought first I will.." And with that we leave with them leading the group and me and Taurtis behind them.

-Your pov-

Once we get to the school we walk in. "Ah Senor Loro my sister Cookie is new here and needs her classes!" Sam shouts at a teacher who looks like a wrestler. "Ah already time to rassle? Okay.. TO THE RING!!" Loro shouted. Once we get to the ring I stand in one corner and Senor Loro in the other. "Good luck my little Cookie!" Grian says blushing. "Thank you but fate is usually always on my side in fights, ask Sam" I say as Senor Loro counts down. As Loro says 'Go!' I run at twice his speed for a bit then change to a low flying kick to the balls. Little did I know Sam was recording the teachers loss but Senor Loro acutely starts crying from the pain. "I- I'm so sorry sir I didn't realize how much the flying kick hurts, Sam always doges my attacks..." I said trying to calm him down. "Wow you can doge her attacks but not anyone else's.." Grian said laughing at Sam right after he stopped recording. "As pr- *sniffle* promised he- *sniffle* here is your cl- *sniffle* classes.." Senor Loro eventually got out as Sam posted the match on Facecrab. "Cookie what classes do you have?" Grian quietly asks. "I have room 3,6, lunch,11, then 12." I say to Grian in my normal quite voice. "Ahh so your  with us Sis." Sam says as he is watching the view count already surface 100 views.

I grow impatient, "Come on Sam I don't want to be late!" "Finnnee I guess I do want to stay in this school.."Sam says clearly annoyed at me. I pull up a map of the school and find my locker next to Grian's and put away my bag but only take my red and black binder with notebooks and a pencil case. Me and Grian walk into class and I sit next to him in the back row of desks and just then Teacher Tori walks in. "Ah Grian your early, and you have a girlfriend?" Tori asked clearly cunfuzzled (confused).  Me and Grian both blush a bright red, "No, at least not yet" Grian says with a small smirk on his face and I cover my face in my elbow as every one else walks in as the bell rang. "Okay class today we have a new student, come up here and introduce yourself to the class" Teacher Tori says as I go up to the front of the classroom. "Erm elo everyone my name is Cookie. Erm, Sam is like a brother to me so if you harm him or his friends you might want to run for your life. Em my favorite colors are black, red, and teal.." I say then go back to my seat. "O- kay, on that note we are going to go outside and start a school garden!" Teacher Tori said trying to lighten the mood. Me and Grian walk together and he goes hold to my hand and I let him. "Okay students, Cookie and Grian, you guys lossen the dirt and water and plant seeds. Sam, Taurtis and Jamberite put up a fence, I will help you with the dimensions of it. Everyone else clear away  rocks, weed and leaves." Teacher Tori says excitedly. Grian lossens the dirt while I plant and water the seeds. Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beans, and berries. "Okay since everyone is done go on and head to your second class" Teacher Tori said as everyone finished up. (this is already almost as long as the previous chapter =w=)

I practically drag Grian to Dr. Nurse MD's class, "Do I have to go?" He says as I pull him in. "Yes your not missing a class no mater how much you hate it" I tell him as we enter the room as one of the first few people. "Ah Mr. BoyMan your acutely early for once.. Let me guess because of the new weirdo?" Nurse MD asked Grian surprised. "Yup!! I still don't see how you can hate a teacher so much Grian.." I say while Grian tries to escape my grip. The bell goes off as Dr. Nurse MD starts talking, "Okay everyone sit down and new kid come introduce yourself" I walk up to the front of the room and Grian just glares at me and sits in the back of the room. "Elo everyone my name is Cookie and Sam is my brother. Erm what else should I say?" I ask Dr. Nurse MD. "Hmm that you are deadly" He says. "And I am dead-, wait what I'm not deadly all I did was make a wrestler cry" I say quickly. "Nope to late your name is now Ms. Deadly, now go sit down next to Mr. BoyMan" Nurse MD said snickering. I just sigh and sit next to Grian. "Okay idiots today we are going to learn about moaning. You and someone else are going to make each other moan. Okay first up, Mr. BoyMan and Ms. Deadly" Dr. Nurse MD says cause me and Grian to blush as we walk up there. "Okay Mr. BoyMan make Ms. Deadly moan" Nurse MD says with a smirk on his face. Grian pets my ear in the same spot he did yesterday. "Nya~" I moaned as soon as his finger touches it. "Okay Ms. Deadly your turn" Nurse MD chuckled. Grain points to a spot high up on his neck causing me to have to stand on my tiptoes. As soon as my tongue goes over the spot all I here is, "N- ngh" come from Grian's mouth as he moans. "Okay now go sit down you two" Dr. Nurse MD says while Sam stops his recording. "Okay next up Sans and Taurtis" (come on.. Sam, messed up to be sometimes: San, brain: Sans =w=)

|~+~| Wow excited your sister and friend love each other much? Anyway back to what's important, TIME SKIP!!!! |~+~|

After everyone went and Dr. Nurse stopped with his ships the bell rang signaling that class is over and it's time for lunch. "Oh Mr. BoyMan, Ms. Deadly stay back for a bit" Nurse MD said. "Oooooo" Sam says laughing silently. Everyone else leaves and I have to hold Grian's hand so he won't run off. "Okay meet me here after your last class" Nurse MD says laughing. "N- mmhhhh" Grian tries to say but I cover his mouth with my free hand. "Okay Dr. Nurse MD!" I say still covering his mouth. After we walk out I uncover Grian's mouth, "Do I have to go?" I sigh and get my lunch out of my backpack which was carrot soup and pocky. "Where do you feel like eating?" I ask Grian. "Hmm, outside?" he replies while getting his out. "Okay" I said.

|~+~| And that's it for now. Lunch, Gym and Evil class will be in the next chapter. Peace! |~+~|

Grian X Reader (female) | !Discontinued! |Where stories live. Discover now