Truth or Dare?

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-Sam's pov-

Me and Taurtis were talking about Hunter X Hunter when Grian came in holding my sisters hand.. "MY OTP FINALLY!" I yell very loudly. I watch as Grian and Cookie jump back a bit blushing. "Saammmmmm... I'm board" Taurtis wines. "Truth or dare, anyone?" I say. "Heck yeah!" Taurtis says and Cookie & Grian shrug and walk over. 

(I'm going to do this text style to do this faster, (Insert name): "bla bla bla", means that person is talking... Also, t or d? stands for, truth or dare?)

Sam: "Okay! Grian t or d!?"

Grian: "Em, truth.."

Sam: "Okay what did you and my sister do during the 'detention'?"

Grian: "We played t or d.. Cookie t or d?"

Cookie: "Dare!"

Grian: "I dare you to sit in my lap for the rest of the game."

Blushing Cookie crawled into Grian's lap and I smirked but didn't realize how soon I was going to regret that.

Cookie: "Sam t or d?"

Sam: "Dare! I'm not a wimp!"

Cookie: "Okay I dare you to sit in Taurtis's lap for the next five times you get asked t or d by him!"

I was blushing and screaming internally as I crawl over to Taurtis as he raps his arms around me clearly not wanting to let me go.

Sam: "Taurtis, t or d?"

Taurtis: "Dare all the way!"

Sam: "I dare you to upload the picture I sent you to Facecrab"

I send him the picture of Cookie and Grian that Geode took and see his jaw drop.

Taurtis: "How did you.. Are you trying to kill me?"

Taurtis posts it and we all get the notification and Cookie and Grian just sigh.

Taurtis: "Grian t or d?"

Grian: "Dare."

Taurtis: "I dare you to french kiss Cookie."

Cookie: "What's a french kiss?" (I had to read on how to french kiss in order to write this, read stories where they did this but I didn't know that's what they were...)

Grian: "J- just follow my lead.."

-Your pov-

Grian starts to kiss you then gently nibbles on your bottom lip then licks it. You had read enough stories about ships on Wattcrab to know that to this you was supposed to part your lips so that's what you did as you closed your eyes. He licked inside your mouth a bit then licks your tongue and that is when it hits you.. 

-Back to Sam's pov-

Sam: "I'm pretty sure you finished the dare so stop.. It's cute at first but then it's just.. Bleah."

Grian grudgingly pulled away from Cookie so she lightly kissed him on the cheek and watching him blush. 

Grian: "Cookie t or d?"

Cookie: "Truth."

Grian: "Why do you take it upon yourself to protect Sam?"

Cookie: "I honestly owe him and his family my life! On my tenth birthday my parents tried to make me kill Sam in front his family but when I refused they tried to take maters into their own hands so I attacked my own pack.. When I told them I was a vegetarian and that I will never hunt animals for any reason they disowned me and my real brother for teaching me how to fight to protect myself and others and teaching me every edible plant in the forest.  Later my brother got taken away for testing by a experimentalist, he.. He forced them to let me go and take him instead... I had survived out in the wilderness for a year and then I saw a hunter trying to shoot Sam. I immediately attacked the hunter but got shot in the process, I didn't care I just wanted to make sure he was okay. He said the arrow only grazed his arm but I saw blood dripping from the wound and bandaged him with some horse tail plants that I found small patches of, he was worried about me but I wanted to help him first to make sure he was alright. I had finished bandaging his arm when blood loss cough up to me and I passed out. A while later I woke in a small house with carrot filed, my wounds were healed..  All my wounds were actual healed, I had over 20 open wounds.. His family had taken me in so in return I promised his family to protect Sam no mater what in school."

Taurtis: "Wow you actually made Sam sound nice.." 

Sam: "Hey! I can be nice!"

Cookie: "Sam does have a point. He used to be super nice, guess that's just what years of proper training can do to someone, I tough him how to dodge all werewolves attacks so he can not only confuse them but form an escape plan so I can find and protect him, after taking me in him and his became a prime target for the Shadow Pack."

Grian: "Whoa..."

Cookie: "A- anyways Sam t or d?"

(from this point on is when I had stopped watching the series although I wasn't even that far in to begin with but I don't remember too much only bits and pieces how ever I really wanted to finish this chapter for the people who read this book even though it's pretty bad. Btw these two parts were written a year apart)

Sam: "Hmm.. Dare."

Cookie: "I dare you tooo- Hm.. Shout 'I'm an oreo and I'm proud' as loud as you can."

Of course I had did the dare but not without a "Shut up" from DomRao who was chilling in the dumpster behind the house. This caused laughter to erupt from me and the rest of the group as it was slightly unexpected.

Sam: "Hmm... Grian, t or d?"

Grian: "Em, how about truth."

Sam: "Hmm, let me think... Oh! How many times did you think about Cookie so far?"

Grian: "Once, she is never off my mind~"

This made Cookie blush a bit and her tail started to sway a little although no one but me had noticed, not even her.

Grian: "Taurtis, t or d?"

Taurtis: "Uhhh.. Truth?"

Grian: "Let's see.. Favorite and least favorite thing about us."

Taurtis: "Uh okay. Sam, fav thing, he can be fun to be around, least fav thing, can be very scary when he want to be or even when he doesn't mean to be. You, can be a very good friend but can also be annoying at times. And lastly Cookie, very nice but also very terrified of her especially after she went against Mr. Senor Loro.. Anyways, Sam t or d?"

I felt a bit bad when Taurtis had said that I can be very scary, I never meant to scare him badly..

Sam: "Hmm, how about truth."

Grian: "What is something you never told anyone, you don't have to go in depth and it can just be anything."

Sam: "Cookie you may want to cover your ears for this.."

 Cookie did as I said not wanting to take any chances as she trusted my judgement

|~-~| !!!Warning in case people don't like to read about it: talking about killing people and mention of blood!!! |~-~|

Sam: "Every now and then I have an urge to hunt Cookie's old pack down and decapitate them with silver knives once they are at their weakest and watch as their blood pours out from their necks, from what I know this would guarantee their death. I also really want to find her real brother and reunite them one day.."

( ⩌ ̄▽ ̄⩌ ) They are no longer talking about it, if you chose to skip that you can pick up with                                                                                  reading here ( ⩌ ̄▽ ̄⩌ )

-Reminder that it is still Sam's pov-

I tell Grian to tap Cookie on her shoulder to let her know that she can stop covering her ears. After she uncovered her ears I started to talk again.

Sam: "I'm board of this, Hunter X Hunter anyone?"

They had all agreed as no one was tired as it was only 5pm. We arranged ourselves on the couch but it only sits three people so I just laid across everyone with my head in Taurtis' lap and feet resting on Cookie.

A/n: Hope at least someone will enjoy this train wreck of a chapter and surprise surprise I am not dead even though I last updated a story in March just for it to be an authors note- Welp peace, have a good rest of your day!

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