Chapter 5

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You see that picture up there? Well in that picture, instead of those doors I want you to imagine a wide window that covers the upper part of a white wall. And there's a window seat on it. Now keep imagining the window and the seat because that's where Alice is slouching.

Enjoy the light, action free chapter that gives you more information about some characters and their past.

The light pitter-patter of rain echoed throughout our, otherwise, silent living room.

Today was not for fighting and stuff. Today we were supposed to sit at home and plan our next move.

You see, when we escaped we came to Jax's old house where we still live. This place was perfect for us because it was two hours drive away from the city, on top of a cliff. The best part, the whole cliff and it's surrounding five miles area was covered with huge trees.

Trees that hid the house so that no one can know about it's existence. Also, the pathway or roads leading to this house were not in plain sight. You had to drive into the forest, on the grass, dodge a few trees before finally getting back on track. So no one can even think of going up that way to the house.

This place was like our own personal lair.

Jax's parents had this house made when they found out what goes inside the ICE facilities. His parents were loaded because his mother was a lawyer and his father was a well known detective of our city who was working on a missing boy's case. He later found out the boy was parkour champion and was taken by ICE so that they can 'enhance' his abilities.

When Mayor Rolland found out that Jax's father knows about what goes on in ICE and that his son is a karate kid, he got his parents killed and him taken away. Max was the only one left behind because he was out partying that night.

Anyway, now that we were all back, we decided to live here because our own places were in the city. It would be too dangerous to live there. So we sent Max to Zen's apartment because we did not want him getting involved in something so dangerous, especially when he is not a part of it. He did not need to live like a criminal.

But he still helped us out in his own way. He was the background guy. He was there for planning and building. He also got us whatever we needed from the stores since none of us could go out shopping so freely now.

Money was no problem either. I mean it was at first but then we robbed the bank that was funding ICE facilities.

And after bank robbing and random killing around I finally decided to do something big. That's when we spent six months of planning and brought down our first target.

But that was it. That was all I had planned. We never thought about the other facilities. And we obviously can not wait another six months for our next attack. So here we are. In our living room since ten in the morning. It was two in afternoon by now.

Everyone, including Max, was sitting on the couches, trying to think of something. The only thing someone ever came up with was Max. He came up with names like "intellidumbs" and "smidiots" for us. Says it's a mix of intelligent and dumb, and smart and idiot. And apparently, according to him we deserve these names for not planning everything first, and then attacking.

Anyway, I could not sit with them after Max started an argument with the others because of these names, so I moved over to the window seat that overlooked the forest down the cliff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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