Chapter One

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"Hey baby, how was school?” My mom asked, smiling brightly at me. I shook my head and sat down, feeling like crap.

"Stupid,” I whispered and she frowned, sitting by me.

"Are those two boys still persistent?” I nodded and she sighed, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Do you want me to call Liam?" A shudder ran down my spine.

"Nope, he has been so... over protective of me since I came out I don't want him beating up boys who probably aren't even eighteen yet." I muttered, realizing that was exactly what my big brother would do. My mom just laughed.

"I just meant so you could talk to him,” She whispered, pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Right, Liam just talking is like you and dad hating each other." I said and my mom grinned.

"That’ll never happen, sweetie." She said softly, looking confused.

"Exactly,” I smiled and she sighed, ruffling my hair.

"I just hate seeing you upset, boo." I grinned at the nickname she gave me as a kid because I tried to be a ghost every year for Halloween for five years.

"What’s for dinner?" I asked standing up, walking to the stove.

"Camp surprise,” I wrinkled my nose.

"No!” I whined and felt the urge to stomp my foot.

"Yes, your father wanted it.” She said sternly and I groaned.

"But camp surprise is gross! You just put everything in a pot and cook it!" I shuddered again and my mom chuckled, looking to the door as it opened

"Something smells—” I cut my dad off with a laugh.

"Disgusting!” I filled in and he rolled his eyes at me as he wrapped his arms around my mom's waist. He kissed her cheek and then got three bowls from the cabinet above his head.

"How'd auditions go?" My dad asked and I grinned, but then frowned.

"The auditions! I'm a terrible mother, honey I completely forgot!" My mom whispered and I shrugged, looking around.

"That's okay, it's not like your son got the scholarship or anything,” I mumbled and dragged my finger over the table top, avoiding eye contact.

"You got the scholarship?!” My mom squealed and threw her arms around me tightly. "Ooh you can have ice cream for dinner!” She laughed and took a bowl from my dad.

"That's so great, boo!" My dad yelled and wrapped me in a hug. "Ah, both my sons got a scholarship that is a happy moment in a father's life."

I started laughing and shook my head. "Oh thanks dad." I said and clapped him on the back.

We sat down, me with mint chip ice cream and them with camp surprise. "So, what is the scholarship exactly?" My dad asked and I grinned.

"We've been over this," I mumbled and he smiled slightly.

"I know, I know," He grumbled and I laughed.

"Well, they usually give it to someone who plays an instrument or has something to do with music.” I shrugged and took a bite of my ice cream. "I played a solo on my snare and they said that they weren't going to decide until tonight. So, I stayed after school to see and stuff."

I yawned and leaned back in my chair. "It pretty much gives me tuition, but not boarding or supplies I'll need for classes."

"Tuition?" My mom asked, surprised.

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