Chapter Two

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"I heard you got the scholarship," I jumped and grinned over at Rachel and Jordan. It was still weird that my two best friends were now dating. Shudder.

"I did," I said to Rachel who grinned.

"Marty is pissed." Jordan said and then cleared his throat and nodded his head. n

I looked around and saw Marty, he was glaring at me. I blushed and turned back to my locker.

"That's new," I muttered and let my fingers trail over the words on my locker.

"And they mean nothing," Rachel said and pulled my hand away, slamming my door against the other lockers. I glared at her and she sent me a grin back.

I sighed and gathered my books from my locker, feeling tired. I closed the door and my eyes lingered on the words. Faggot. "Come on, Cameron," Jordan whispered and led me away from my locker.

He walked me to my first hour, and my eyes did the usual scan. They landed on him and my heart skipped a beat. "I’ll see you guys later," I mumbled and Rachel giggled.

"Is Lyssa coming with Liam tonight?” She asked as I walked halfway across the classroom's floor.

"Uh, probably they never go anywhere without the other." I laughed and Rachel squealed.

"I haven't seen Lyssa in forever! Ooh can I steal her for a girls’ day?!”

"Okay Rach, let's get to class.” Jordan laughed and pushed his girlfriend out of the door.

"Ah, Matheson still talking with the queer?” Gordon Hallow asked as he walked into the room. "From the star linebacker I'd expect better." Gordon said and wagged his finger at Jordan.

Jordan's jaw was clenched and even though he was my best friend, I must admit it made him super hot.

"And from the senior class president I expected a hell of a lot more Hallow," Jordan sneered and ushered Rachel out of the class.

I hurried to my seat as Gordon sneered at me. "Come on Cameron, can't you just move or something? Be straight? Like your brother... he was a star and you're the little band fag."

I blushed and shook my head, allowing my blonde hair to fall into my eyes. I looked up and saw Alec Deere staring at me. My heart leapt into my chest and for a moment I wondered if he was going to say something.

God, I should just say something. I need to pull my head out of my ass. Liam was right. I turned to Gordon as Mrs. Gurden walked into the room. "Attention, attention!” She called and I sighed, looking up. Holy shit. "This is—”

"Brenda?" I asked and the girl turned her head.

"Cameron!" She screamed and dropped all of her things, running at me. I jumped up and wrapped her in a hug.

"Holy crap Brenda, what are you doing here?" I asked and her eyes filled with tears.

"What am I doing here? Didn't your parents tell you?” She squeaked and I bit my lip, grabbing my phone. I had like ten missed calls.

"Uh, my phone is on silent." I said and then shook my head. "wouldn't they have told me last night? I mean I thought you were moving to Port Side, not Range.” I whispered and she shook her head.

"The foster parents I was supposed to move in with a few nights ago canceled my plans. They asked if I had relatives around I named off you and they enrolled me in school immediately and your parents took me in this morning. Right after you left." I was stunned.

"Why didn't they tell me last night?" I whispered and cupped my cousin's cheeks.

"I didn't tell them until I showed up on your doorstep.” She admitted with a blush.

Sincerely, the Quarterback (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now