Chapter Three

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When Aziraphale woke up the next morning to find Crowley gone from the house, his first reaction was refile, then dread. He may be a Demon but he's not so rude as to not say goodbye before leaving. Aziraphale ran over to his phone and opened it up; seeing a text from Crowley that he needed to go check on his plants, and that he'd see him later. Aziraphale signed out with relief knowing Crowley was safe and not... He shuddered at the thought of it.

After going back into his room and getting on his long sleeve outfit. He walked out to the kitchen and realized he wasn't in the mood for cooking. So he grabbed his phone, sending a quick text to Crowley.

Angle: Going out for breakfast, just in case you come to my house and I'm not their.

Crowley: Got it; want me to join you.

The Thought made Aziraphale nauseous.

Angle: Nope :p. Just getting some breakfast and then heading right home.

Crowley; Okie.

Aziraphale walked right down to his favorite little breakfast shop only a little bit down the road from the book shop. He walked in and was seated immediately. His favorite waitress walked out and smiled at him.

"Hey Aziraphale, the usual." She asked.

"Yes but in a to go box." She nodded and he sat the the table he normally did while eating or in this case waiting for take out. He pulled out the second Harry Potter book and started reading it. He made sure to keep an eye out and when fifteen minutes later the waitress dropped off the Box, Azirphale picked it up and headed out. Not before shouting out to the waitress.

"See you later Rosemary." She smiled back as Aziraphale left walking toward his house with his food. When Aziraphale got to his apartment he walked into his kitchen and sat down, placing his food on the counter and getting one of his plates down. When he finished eating he heard a knock at the door. Aziraphale walked over and opened it revealing a flustered looking Crowley with a suitcase.

"What's wrong Crowley?" Aziraphaled asked worried.

"One of the FUCKING demons thought it would be a funny prank to come and drench most my belongings in Holy water. I could fucking smell it from the door so I left. I can't go in their, but I need someone to go look at my plants." Crowley spoke walking in and walking toward the room he had been using. He left his bags and came back out.

"I'd bet my money on it being an Angle, from what I saw during the switch, the demons are horrified of the holy water," Aziraphaled added, motioning for Crowley to sit.

"I do need someone to go check on my plants, and I can't without risking my limbs and well the rest of me." Crowley said, giving Aziraphale the same look the angle had used on him for Millenniums.

"Fine. You dumb Demon. Only becuase you would do it for me." The angel said Smirking at Crowley. He came up with something, "While I'm gone; do the dishes." Crowley nodded before Aziraphale walked out the door. He walked right back in.

"I want you to come with me." Aziraphale said. A worried look on his face.

"Why?" Crowley turned off the water and dried his hands before walking toward the door.

"If an Angle or a Demon was at your house I don't like the idea that they still might be their and we have better odds if we stick together." Crowley reached out to grab Aziraphale's hand but he just moved it father away before turning and heading down to the Bentley. As the two opposites got in the car, it started automatically and Crowley headed off. As they drove, the Bentley started playing Queen songs that Aziraphale vaguely recognized from all his drives with Crowley. When they arrived at the apartment, they both got out.

"Ok here's the plan," Aziraphale spoke "First, we open the door without either of us stepping under it, then I will clear the floor and ceilings of Holy Water and you will join if its good, we will continue, staying close together, doors are opened without the possibility of things falling on us. Then, we water your plants, if either of us spot trouble or one of us can't go on we wait until we can both go in." Before Aziraphale could get out of the car, Crowley stopped him.

"Give me a few seconds." He placed Sun reflectors over every window before speaking again. "Ok we switch, if you are right about your worries I don't want a risk of us ending up dead." The angel nodded, before taking the Demon's reached out arm and shaking it. Then they switched seats in the car and got out. Aziraphale walked up first and even though still shaking from the hand shake, he opened the door. When Crowley got in he checks the door and when it was clear closed it. They checked the rooms as they got to them, before getting to the plant room.

"What do you do to these plants?" Aziraphaled asked Crowley. "They are so anxious." He stopped Crowley before he could come closer and picked up a watering can, water each plant, and then talking to eat one, shushing Crowley whenever he tried to stop him. As the angle finished, he walked Crowley back out, both careful not to step on any of the areas coated in Holy Water. When they got back into the car, Azirphale turned to Crowley.

"Do you want to switch back here, or do you want to drive as me, or should I drive as you." Crowley turned to me.

"Do you want to drive." He waited for his response.

"I want to try to, well you should drive, I think it would be better if we tried that on a safer occasion." Aziraphale told, "And try not to go to fast, don't want anyone who might be watching from upstairs to see us." He smiled before getting out of the car as Crowley did the same and switching spots. As they drove Crowley did a surprisingly good job at pretending to be the Angle as he drove back to the house. 

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