Chapter 11

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Our eyes just lock together. Gazing, dreaming...and any other synonyms your heart desires. But for me right cheesy as it heart desires Ian. I have an urge to press my lips to Ian's again, so I do. Our mouths move in perfect harmony. I lace our fingers together. Ian's the one to pull away first.

"So, you really did mean what you said...when, I came back.." "Of course I did," I chuckle. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask, as if it's obvious. "I...I don't know," Ian stammers out, smiling while looking at the ground. He looks back up at me and our eyes lock together again. We just appreciate each other's existence. This much different, than anything Kalel and I do...well, use to. Ian and I just have more of a spark. Don't get me wrong, I did love her. But (even though I sound like an old man when I say this) we were young and foolish, without a care in the world. But, I had time to think about who I really cared for. Fuck it. I can't think about her now. Besides, it's just straight up rude to compare her to Ian.

"Ian?" I giggle softly before speaking. "Will you do my the honor..." I put on a very bad british accent. "of becoming my boyfriend?" I hold out my arm for Ian to take. God we're such dorks. Ian cleared his throat. "Of course," Ian also put on a badly faked british accent as well, linking our arms together. My shoulders relax. as long as Reflection can stay out of the way, it would be a miracle. I would give up half of my time to make Ian fall in love with me. But the question is....does he? He might love me, but is love? Either way, I still need to focus on the present.

I feel Ian shiver. It is pretty cold out here, it's around October now so of course it's cold. Not as in, I'm going to get hypothermia cold, but just cold. I wrap my arm around Ian's waist, pulling him a little closer to me. "You look cold...I can help," I tell him, smiling. "Are you sure?" He asks, a rosy pink color on his cheeks. "Mhm!" I hum, nodding pulling him even closer whilst rubbing his shoulder to keep him warm. Well, a bit more warm at least. "Thank you," Ian replies.


"My tits are freezing!" I complain. Ian laughs. "Your man tits?" "Yes my man tits!" I exclaim, blowing hot air into my hands, rubbing them together. Ian's cheeks are bright red. Is he like, hot or something? Not that way, you pervs. "Ian, are you warm? Your cheeks are bright red." "N-no! I mean, well, kinda," Ian stutters out, looking at the ground. "Why didn't you say anything? Share some of the heat!" I exclaim playfully, putting both of my hands on his cheeks to warm them up. His entire face goes scarlet at this. he just... embarrassed? Awwh. Wait, I need to test my theory. I plant a kiss on the top of his head (which is easy due to our heights). His face goes even darker. Awwwh! That's adorable. "You may be warm, but like I said, my man tits are freezing!" "Netflix, blankets and" He suggests, the last part of his suggestion very quiet, but loud enough for me to hear. I nod, excitedly. 

I go and grab the blankets while Ian puts on Sherlock on Netflix. He's never really talked about it on camera, but at the moment, he is obsessed with that show. When I come back, with blankets and pillows in hand, Ian's sitting on the couch, his legs crossed. A brilliant idea comes to mind. My eyes go from the blankets to Ian, a smirk on my face. I throw all of the blankets and pillows at him and he falls backwards. I burst out into laughter before jumping on top of the blankets. I hear Ian's muffled laughter from underneath the pillows. "Get off meeeee!" He whines, while still laughing. "Fiiiiine," I sigh, dragging out the word 'fine'.  I get off of him, taking the blankets with me before plopping down next to Ian. I make a fort out of pillows around us and wrap us both in a burrito of blankets. Ian inches closer to me. Awwh! It's all just to good to be true. I look over at him, the light of the screen reflecting off of his eyes. Ugh, now I want to kiss him again. Oh well, why the fuck not right? I peck his check, before wrapping my arm around him. There goes the fire alarm. What has set on fire you ask? Ian's cheeks. I can't help but repeat "I love you." "I love you too." Now, I just can't mess it up.

(A/N) I have ran out of words. You know I love magicmummy's writing. So yeah, applause for this fluff goddess!!


It's All In The Past (A Collaboration with crystalicexo) IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now