Chapter 24

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One Month Later

“I thought we’d never get out of that damn hospital!” I exclaim, as I feel the nice cold breeze in the night air, with Ian’s fingers laced around mine. “Well what do you expect Anthony? Them not monitoring you after a two month long coma? Come on…” He giggles a little. “What?” I ask, not able to hide the grin on your face, “I missed your stupidity.” He jokes. “Bitch!” I say in between my giggles. He gives me a cute grin. “I can’t wait to be in the same bed as youuuu.” I coo at him, as we are still hand in hand. “Well as soon as we get home, sleep will be the first thing on my to do list.” I dart my eyes at him. “You better not snore, like you always do.” I joke at him, he playfully bumps his arm into my body, “I don’t snore and you know that!” I laugh, “Oh yes you do! You have truck driver snoring as far as I’m concerned.” I playfully remark. “Ugh lets just get home. Why do i always insist on parking so far!? I’m freezing my ass off!!” He complains. I cup his ass after he says this, and he darts his eyes at me, “Nope, your ass isnt frozen off yet. Still right there and firm and cute as always.” He laughs, “Perverted bitch.” “I’m your perverted bitch now..just...just keep that in mind.” I tease.

1 Hour Later

I lay myself into the bed sheets, as Ian does the same. We look at eachother in a trance for a second, as I move my arm to caress his face. I sigh, “This feels so right..” I say, just feeling all around at peace now. That’s the thing about my dream..or nightmare. Even when I felt at peace I still didn’t feel as if I was...fully at peace? That makes no sense and right now, I honestly really don’t care. “I love you so much..” Ian says, sleepily, as he puts his arm around my torso, as I kiss his forehead, “I love you too..” I say, as I drift off to sleep.


I am kissing Ian. I notice his parents and my parents...and all our family and friends? We must be getting married. I hear clapping, as Ian and I are arm and arm as we walk back down the aisle. I am waving to all my family and friends as I see...that familiar face? Oh he was real this whole time?! Freaking Reflection? Really? Way to ruin the moment but..he’s geniuly smiling and well dressed? “You did good, kid.” I hear him say in a happy tone. I see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes right next to him, with her arm on his knee, and two kids to their left? So...he got married and had kids? Alright then..I guess like he said earlier, don’t judge a book by it’s cover! I smile at him. "You did good did good," He smiles back, before smiling and kissing what I assume to be his wife. Then suddenly...

End of dream-

My eyes awake from the dream. The first time in awhile I’ve woken up from a dream being pleasant. This really put me in a good mood. I feel as if light has awoken in my spirit now. I just feel so happy, and at peace. I look over at Ian, and smile even wider again. Knowing, that for the rest of my life, he is the face I will get to wake up to, every morning. And even in the trials we will have to go through in this life, I will always know, he will always be there. Right beside me. Forever, and always.

The end.

(A/N) Wow this was a fun story to write...and with THE magicmummy not only was it was an honor!! Thank you all so much for reading this, i hope you had fun reading it! I certainty had fun writing it, TAKE IT AWAY AMAND- I MEAN MUMMY :3

(A/N) ME AND REFLECTION GET MARRIED. TAKE THAT SYE. TAKE THAT MOM I WON'T BE SINGLE FOREVER. OH MY GAWD IM SO HAPPY. And I personally loved writing this story with her. She's such a good author! (and truth is I love writing with people, so if you want to collab with someone then *crawls out of your screen*  HAI. I'M HERE TO BE FRANDS)

It's All In The Past (A Collaboration with crystalicexo) IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now