The Beginning

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Milan works hard for her family approval. She got into her moms profession to make her happy. Her father would always put his daughter on display when it came to business dinners. It was all for their approval, when they put her on Malachi Trevor Evans case, She excited she was finally gonna show her parents of how much of a badass she was. Even though they have never came to not one recital, they show up late to her high school graduation.
"Give me his files please" Milan said holding out her hands, "are you sure you want to take his case everybody that had his case ha-" she cut off her colleague "this man has been locked up for something he did not commit for 10 years and you are asking me am I sure , girl get out my office" "alright girl I was just tryna help you because you carrying a lot of weight with this one" Trina informed "Trina... baby... honey let me work my magic then watch everyone In this firm look stupid for keeping this man in jail since he was 20" she smartly replied "iight girl you do what u gotta do" Trina walks out "thank you damn" Milan mumbled under her breath smartly. She looked over his case and everything "wow so we have leads we have suspects and he still in a fuckin cell you have to be kidding me" she grabbed all of her stuff and went to the jail but was stop by her ex-fling KeSean. "Oh my gosh" she mumbled "hey beautiful" he said "Hi KeSean" she said slyly "how are y-"she cut him off "what do you want nigga you know I'm working" "I miss y-" "Please hold while I transfer your call to someone who gives a fuck" she got into her car and sped off "I don't got time for this shit" but we all what was going on in her head 'can this please go away all of it

Back at the ranch with Malachi he has been keeping his hard exterior but with his cellmate August they talk about like when they get out of jail but Malachi always had doubt on getting out" " When I get out I'm be right there working my business are intact still so I'll be set still" August said "Mannn I don't even know if I'm gonna get out no ones willing to take my fuckin case bruh" Malachi replied
"You ain't heard it from me but I heard a bad ass attorney is taking ya shit" August laid back with a grin "dont say that shit of it ain't true bruh" "Cell #2345 you have a visitor" he look at August a smile "nigga go stop lookin at me" August shooed him away. Malachi was excited this could be a change and he was ready for the outcome good or bad atleast  someone had his back.

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