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Milan is working hard for this man and this is probably there fifth meet up and it's the week before he seen in court.
"How are you Malachi, you look like you didn't get that much sleep" she said looking worried. "I landed in the hole the other day so yeah I ain't get the much sleep". He said with an attitude of course while they are taking off his cuffs and the officers leaving the room. Officers trust her enough to be left with him and she also requested it. She got up from her seat and sat on the table in front of him.
"Last time I talk to you I said behave I'm trying to help you here you have court in a week, you know how that look for you Malachi" she said getting mad because they will bring this up in court.
"It wasn't my fault they were tryna jump me so I had to knock out they lil leada" he said biting his lip rubbing her exposed calf. In those weeks of there meetings Malachi became very touchy and Milan didn't mind at all because she knew this wasn't going anywhere.
"So you knocked a nigga who can potentially land you more time, think Malachi" she sighed and rubbed her face,she was frustrated.
"The officer was cool he didn't take nothing from my good behavior it was clearly self defense we good mamas" his tatted hand rubbed her thigh under her skirt.
"Malachi move your hand you know we ain't about this shit" she said moves his hand and sat in her seat.
Malachi got from his seat and stand in front of her.
"What we on because we ain't on 'professionalism'" he quoted from there last visit
She rolled her eyes and look at him bending down in between her legs.
"Malachi move seriously" he looked at her with a devious smirk and rubbed her clit.
"Ooouuu you ain't got on panties you was waiting huh" she started to breath hard and put her head back. He stick one finger in and she grabbed his wrist.
"Stop stop stop Malachi you doing to much" she tries to move his hand but he just stared at her and put the second finger in
"Im doing just enough look at you moaning and shit" he licked his lips and pulled his fingers out,he licks his fingers slowly gives her pussy a long lick.
"You taste good mamas like really good." He smiles and sat back in his seat. She looks at him and shudders.
"You um have um my you know on yo lips" she struggled to get out he just left it there and went in for a kiss, she kisses him back.
He pulls away and smiles at her "you see baby you taste so good I wish I could go back for more but you won't let me." He fakes pouts and she just stares at him with a shock look she haven't any dick for 2 years so she haven't felt this in a long time.
"You know what I um gotta cum- I mean I gotta go get your stuff together for court. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" She said getting her things
"Iight lil mama we'll see" he got his cuffs put back on and he left. Milan put her head in her hands " what In the fuck". Walking out the jail in complete shock, she wanted to help but she knew she didn't want any type of trouble so she knew what she had to do. She wanted to work not be seduced by a man who can potentially give her problems in later on in life she's trying to own her own law firm, she can't do that if somebody is hold this type of information over her head. That's to dangerous,so now she really have to keep it professional until she finally gets him out. She hopes whatever happens it happens for a reason. She got to her car and sat there reminiscing on what happen. The first she wanted to do was call her bestfriend. She FaceTimed her and Trinity immediately answered "yes baby girl- why you look distraught." She sighed and wipes her face "something happened in that room that shouldn't have happen and now I'm scared" Trinity stayed quiet and waited on what was going to be said. Milan told detail to detail on what happen and Trinity was shocked and excited. I mean who wouldn't be would you be happy if your friend was finally getting some action after two years of being celibate. Trinity screamed and started dancing. Milan murmured "why are so happy this can hurt me if anybody finds out." Trinity stopped and looked at her with a mug "Girl it has been two years dont think about it like think about as oh you finally got some action we know you shouldn't be doing this but happiness conquers everything stop being scared of the future ok? If you need to keep it professional do that but after everything is done I need to jump off on it that's just that on that." She thought about while sitting in her Mercedes G-Wagon contemplating. "Iight you right but I'm keeping everything professional, just help me breath right now." Trinity snorted "Bitch you good go home take a shot then go to sleep,bye my dick appointment is here" Milan rolled her eyes and nodded "iight see you" hanging up her phone simultaneously. This is one hell of a case she has on her hands
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