Introduction: I Lived

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Hi, I'm Persephone Jackson. But you can call my Percy, most people do, or at least they used to.

I was once the hero of Olympus, the one everyone looked up to and Camp Half-Blood, and soon enough Camp Jupiter to.

But now instead of the Hero, new kids at Camp are learning of the Traitor. The lies.

It all started a few years ago, after the Giant War Anthony and I were happy, we were engaged and expecting (Though no one knew yet), it was our perfect scenario that we only had in our dreams. Though of course that perfect scene was only in our dreams.

The Hunters were focusing on taking down monsters around Olympus, not Camp. So some rogue demigods, still loyal to Gaia, were able to get into Camp and plant a bomb.

Some Hermes kids noticed, knowing their explosives, and I got everyone out the surrounding area, while Anthony went in to the area closer to the bomb to get people out.

Katie and Travis were on the climbing wall so Antony went up to save them, he did but got stuck. I ran for him, though the rest of the Seven stopped me.



The weeks following the explosion Camp was quiet. Yes, there was the normal chatter during the day, though at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. With all of us together. You could hear a pin drop.

Though it didn't last for long, soon everything seemed normal. That was until I was called to Olympus.

I arrived at Olympus's throne room with all of the Olympians staring at me, Athena gave me a deadly glare while Artemis just looked at me sadly.

"Persephone Jackson, you have been sentenced to death by the Olympian Council," Zeus boomed.


"You assassinated my son!" Athena roared. Wait. they were killing me for killing Anthony, I didn't I loved him! Something was obviously wrong.

"We will give you 15 minutes to send your goodbyes," My father who was also angry said. I was teleported to a room on olympus with a fountain and stack of drachmas.

I didn't make any calls they probably wouldn't care, I mean I don't. Then, Artemis teleported into the room.

"What do you want now!"

"Persephone... Percy, I don't have much time. Someone has cast a spell on the Olympians. To kill you, they are becoming more tyrannical by the minute. I can tell it's affecting the Camps as well. I don't feel changed and I have no idea why. I will save you Percy... and your unborn children."


"I am the protector of Children, I can tell your pregnant."

"No... no you said children, like plural... Artemis?"

"Oh, I thought you knew. Percy... your having twins!"

Twins... oh my gods, I- I can't. Wow, if only Anthony... No, don't think like that Percy.

"I will save you."



I was taken back to the Throne and I still couldn't get Artemis and I's conversation out of my head. Though I wanted to pay attention when the 'execution' started.

"Persephone, I hereby disown you from my bloodline!"

Zeus lifted his Masterbolt, the one, oh yeah that I got for him! Though the lightning was coming at me fast. I closed my eyes.

I am ready to die.

Then, I lived.

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