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Changbin p.o.v

        I was the last one at school because of detention. Minho and, Jisung were running late so I went to go find them and got detention. I'm still trying to figure out why I was the only one who got it.
       Walking out I realized that it was raining.
"I thought the weather was supposed to be nice." I whispered to myself.
Walking closer to the school gates I saw something on the ground, I quickly ran over to it, seeing a boy soaked in couched on his side all beat up. I took of my jacket and put it over both of us so I could see them.
Felix? I I've seen him in my class before, he's the cutie who always lets me use a pencil. I was taken out of thought when I heard him say my name.
"Are you okay? What happened?" I ask.
"I'll go get some help, okay?" I say as I try to get up.
"N-no please don't go." He says in a quiet voice, grabbing on to my shirt.

(A.N I kinda forgot what happened so if I mess up sorry)

"O-okay I'll st- hey hey! Are you okay?"

Then and right there he blacked out on my lap, gripping my shirt ever so softly and in that moment I realized he was kinda cute...

I picked him up bridal style the rain getting softer. I was surprised at how light he was even tho he looks very fragile.
Time skip-

Changbean p.o.v :)

Back at my apartment at about 11:00 Felix still in my arms but he's snuggled even more into my neck. I can feel my face heat up thank goodness he's sleeping so he can't see my face or anyone at that fact.
I was going to lay Felix down in but I realized he would probably be uncomfortable so I undressed him from his clothes except his underwear because...yeah. I put one of my big white blouses because well he look cute a fuck in it. I would stop thinking about it but its a fact so idc. I laid him down and went out to the couch because I don't want him to be uncomfortable.

                             ××× ×××

~At changbins apartment~ the next morning (it's the weekend)

Felix p.o.v

Opening my eyes slightly, getting use to the light, looking around me to realise I wasn't in my room.
Thinking back to last night I was shaking, but the I remembered the events that happened last night with Changbin.
But coming into my mind set once again I look down to see me not in my school clothes but in a white blouse and my underwear I can feel my face heat up because of the thought of Changbin taking of my clothes is enough to make me blush. I slowly got out of bed not seeing Changbin anywhere slowly opening the door I saw Changbin making breakfast.
"U-um c-changbin?"

"Oh, Felix your up!" he responds, "how are you? Are you feeling okay?"

"Y-yeah, my head just hurts a little."

"Ok well here eat if you want to I'll get you some water if that's okay."

"Yeah that's fine."

"Anyway, do you mind if I ask what Happened yesterday?"


Hi so I am: sorry about the late updates I kinda forgot but...yeah

No proofend


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