part 6

628 19 36

Felix P.O.V

"Wait, I'm gay."

I just realized that Changbin was holding on to me, I mean how could anyone forget that? Like IT'S SEO FUCKING CHANGBIN!!! I snapped out of thought when...

"Lixie are you okay?" Changbin said with messy hair and tired eye.

"U-um yeah just a nightmare t-thats all."
Stop lying Felix that was more like a dream, a very hot dream.

I felt my self getting flustered as I got lost into my thoughts until...

"Oh okay, Do you wanna talk about it?"

"N-no!" Felix squeaked.
I was thankful it was dark because if it wasn't I am sure I'd look like Elmo or some shit.

No one's POV

"Okay just come here." He said as he wrapped his arms around Felix's waist and pulled him down.

Felix was still nervous partly because y'know Binnie Binnie Changbinnie but by the fact that he or in other words mini Felix was partly still turned on.

"Why are you so stiff, am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No not at all,"
"I'm just um...cold yeah just cold."

"You should've told me sooner."
Changbin pulled Felix so close to the point there was no space between them and put the blanket over Felix more.

"Okay, lets go to sleep now."


They both closed their eyes and drifted to sleep mini Felix hurting but Changbin's cuddles make it a little better so Felix can cope.

Morning - No ones P.O.V

Space... well in this case

Space: The distance from one another

Felix and Changbin? Obviously that's not a thing to them because when Changbin's eyes fluttered open all he saw was felix.


Changbin P.O.V

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was pure beauty, this beauty consists of Felix just him hisself.

I just stared at him.

I know that sounds creepy but how couldn't you just...stare.

His bright smile, his bright fluffy hair, his soft but piercing eyes, even with his cut on his face he's still so beautiful, but his freckles.

The freckles I'm so focused on those right now. I wonder, how many are there? And that's when I started to count and I lost my place a billion times but since its felix its okay...

About to start again I stopped, Felix's eyes started to flutter open just like my heart at that moment.

He opened his eyes and blinked a couple times before turning a light shade of pink.

That's when...


No ones P.O.V

Changbin smirked a hot ass smirk and felix thought that would be all he'd be fine but that was not the case.

"This early in the morning and you're already flustered?"

"I- wha- Ch- Changbin!"

Getting shy he hid under the blanket trying to calm down his face and his whole body at that.


Felix P.O.V

(an: sorry for changing P.O.Vs so much 👀)

Still being under the blanket Felix suddenly felt a shift in movement almost like weight over him.



I felt a hand cares my cheek and I froze.


No ones P.O.V

Changbin hovering on top of felix the morning sun that has just risen shining on both him and felix under the blanket.

"Are you okay felix?" Changbin whispered next to Felix's face with his raspy ass morning voice.

"Yeah I'm fine but um, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you come out and see?"

After he said that felix peaked his head out of blanket so now only his eyes were showing.
When he did this he realised how good Changbin smells but also how close he is to him.

"Hi kitten,"

Felix squirmed at the nickname

"What do you want to do today?"

"W- whatever you want is f- fine."
He said in a muffled voice

"Hmm mkay then, do you care if I invite some of my friends over?"

"No, it's your house do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want? That sounds... good."

"Can I take a shower?"

"Yeah you dont have to ask silly."

"Okay...What time is it anyway?"

"Its like 6am do you want to go back to sleep and wake up at like 7 or something?"

"Yeah sure..."

With that said Changbin sat up and basically stratled felix, pulled the blanket from under him while still sitting on Felix, (an: idek anymore) then proceeded to covers himself the blanket hanging down over him onto Felix.

"Changbin?!" Felix squeaked trying not to look at Changbin's bare chest.

"What's wrong, you don't care if I cuddle you do you?"

"I- I it's fine I was just shocked."

"Okay just let me know if I'm making you feel uncomfortable okay?"

"Yeah okay."

Changbin P.O.V

Looking down on felix it took me so much power to hold back from him.
His face flushed with light pink, his soft eyes, his sh- well my shirt ridden up a little showing his soft toned skin.

I slowly went down on him, (an: not like that... not yet) grabbed his waist and hugged him.
I think felix thought I was done moving because his body was no longer stiff. I quickly flipped us over so he was on my chest and in between my arms.
One of my hands on his hip/back making shapes on the exposed skin, and the other hand in the younger boys hair (an: ooOh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) till he heard soft snores and knew he could sleep.



Not proofrend
*wink* *wonk*

Let me know if I should continue this story or not

Also sorry for the boring cringey writing
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) even if some of you viewers don't like this story plot or my writing thanks for clicking on this :>

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