Chapter 2

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Tori's POV

Pretending has always been hard for me. I've tried so hard to turn it off, flip the switch and just finally live my life to the fullest. I wish I could forget about everything that has happened in the last 7 years. Forget about Malcolm. Forget about Cleo. And forget about him.

He hasn't left my mind ever since. I keep seeing him everywhere, even though I know he's at the county's prison.

Mom even started sending me to therapy, saying that my mind will take time to process everything that had happened.

"Tori. Did you hear what I just said?"

I blinked away my thoughts and stared back at the blue eyed man that sat across from me.

"I'm sorry. What were you saying?"

He sighed and placed his glass of whiskey down on the table infront of us and walked  over to me. I sunk further into the chair I was sitting in and watched until he stood directly over me, leaning down and placing both arms on either sides of the chair, trapping me.

"I asked you if wanted to go out with me tonight? You know, give me a chance to make up for the time I wasn't here."

I stared into his eyes and was at a loss for words. He always seems to do this to me. Or atleast he did.

"Elijah. I-I don't th-"

He silenced me with a kiss. I hesitated for awhile, but before I responded to it, he pulled away. I kept me eyes closed, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Tori."he whispered. "How many times am I gonna have to remind you? I'm. Not. Elijah."

My eyes snapped open to meet his amused facial expression and they widened.

"I'm Carl. Your therapist and boyfriend. Or should I say ex-boyfriend. But, I'm not Elijah."

I face palmed myself and sunk further into my seat. I heard him chuckle before he removed my hands from my face.

"I'm sorry Carl. You know how I'm always imagining things." I tried to put my hands back but he grabbed them and pulled me out of the chair, pulling me over to his desk.

"It's okay Tori. It happens. I know how hard it is to forget your first love."

"I know but, that doesn't give me an excuse to keep daydreaming."

He opened his arms for me and I walked into them willingly. He hugged me tight and I did the exact same. He then shifted his head so that his mouth was positioned beside my ear.

"Let me help you Tori. Just give me another chance. Please."

I was quick in pulling away as the last word left his mouth.

I couldn't indulge into this with him again.

I wrapped my arms around myself and glanced at him before quickly looking away.

"You had your chance Carl. It's over now."

"Please Tori. You can't tell me that you don't feel the spark between us still. I mean come on. We just kissed."

He attempted to pull me back to him but I stepped away before he had the chance.

"Carl, you know I only kissed you because I thought you were...........Elijah."

He sighed and looked at me with a look of longing.

"You know you won't be able to get over him unless you give me another chance Tori. Please. I'm begging you. And you know I don't beg. I'm a man who always gets what I want."

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