Chapter 6

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Carl's POV

I stared at her as she moved her hips to the music in her flirty red dress.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. I was mesmerized. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

The way she would occasionally tuck the strand that became loose from her ponytail behind her hair.

Or the way she would apologize everytime she accidentally bumped into someone. It amazed me.

I was quite fine just admiring her from the bar behind my beer bottle. Me and my heart were safe there. But then my friend had a dangerous idea. He encouraged me to go and talk to her. And stupidly I did just that.

As I approached her and my heart threatened to jump through my mouth, I greeted her.

All she said was 'hi', and I could feel myself falling. Falling in love.

I blinked to rid the thoughts running through my head.

Isn't it hard to see the person you care about the most fall back into the arms of someone that isn't right for them?

You just know deep down in your heart that God placed them on this earth to be yours.

That's exactly how I feel about Tori. Elijah may have had her first but he missed his chance. It's my time to shine.

"You're good to go."the small voice said from my cellphone that was mounted on my car's dashboard.

"Copy that. Thanks."

"They're still at the hospital. You have atleast 30 minutes to get in and out so don't screw this up Carl. This is our only chance."I rolled my eyes at her, even though she can't see me.

Team up with a detective you said. You can't go wrong you said. F*ck me. I was wrong.

"I won't. I'll call you when I'm done."I settled for saying that instead then hung up. Wouldn't want to risk going back to jail.

Tori's huge house stood tall from where I sat in the driver's seat. I took a deep breath before grabbing the small duffle bag from the passenger's seat and exited the car. I trudged the short distance from my car to Tori's door slyly. There was no need for her neighbors to spot me.

So with little effort, I opened her unlocked door and slid inside.

"I don't need to lock my doors Carl. I'm safe here."  Tori's words resurfaced in my head and made me chuckle. She never did listen.

I hoisted the duffle bag's straps on my shoulder and made my way to the kitchen.

I looked around in awe even though I've been here a thousand times. I looked to the counter and smiled as I remembered that being the place where I kissed her for the first time. My smile turned into a grin as the memory played in my head, but as soon as it appeared, it disappeared as I suddenly remembered I was here on a mission.

I quickly placed the duffle bag on the counter and took out its contents. Several spy cams stared back at me as I rested the duffle bag on the floor.

There was no way Tori expected me to be chill about the fact that Elijah was here.

"I love you too f*cking much to watch you move on."those were the words of encouragement I mumbled to myself before I took one of the cameras and installed it somewhere that wasn't visible to the eye.

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