It's over

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Welp, we're all done (as far as you know). Actually, as of writing this, I'm not actually done; I just can't bring myself to write anymore, which brings me into my final thoughts on this book.

I did something I don't usually do which is starting out knowing where I wanted to end. Usually, I just write without direction and pray for the best. I did like it but... it took time and my brain didn't like that all that much.

I get these ideas—these little scenes that I know I want to include—so I work around them, creating a timeline between scenes without writing any of it down until it's absolutely perfect, so it's all just repeating over and over again, slowly driving me mad. Yeah. In fact, the rescue scene got to me so much that I wrote it all down in May. For those of you reading this in the future, that was, three and a half months ago.

Oh my god, I have three more weeks of chapters to post...

Anyway, obligations aside, I did like this book. I thought that it was something rarely done; it was what you guys asked for out of the options I gave you. I've heard some really good feedback. By the way, one of you's from Turkey. Sorry, I got sidetracked looking at my demographics.

So yeah. I think I might have been a bit too ambitious with this, but like hell I was going to quit. Let me know what you thought and I'll leave a few suggestions/ideas for my next book. If you have anything you'd like me to write, whether it's a bonus chapter for this or another book, let me know! I'm always open.

Non-Romantic Sanders Sides AU - This is something I've had in my head for a while. I'm going to keep most of it in the dark but I will say that it is medieval. Just a bit of a tease.

Sanders Sides (Logicality) - This one would be seriously hard for me. Logan's a hard character to relate to for me, though I do like him, so I don't know how I would introduce the romance. I'd have to do a lot of 'research.'

Sanders Sides Mermaid AU (Prinxiety) - It would be based loosely on the Little Mermaid, set in a future, sorta post-apocalyptic society. I don't know; it's hard to explain. You're gonna have to trust me on this one.

Sanders Sides Prince and the Pauper AU (Prinxiety) - The Prince and the Pauper isn't a romantic book, but I can refashion it if that's what you guys want. Alternately, I could keep it as a friendship-based book and play into the theme of the two main characters looking identical.

So, I have another idea, but it's kind of a stretch because I don't know what you guys want. Also, my older sister just decided to start writing on here again (she followed me way back when no one read any of my shit), and I really don't want her to know any of the weird ships I'm interested in. She used to read fanfiction pretty proudly, so maybe she won't judge, but... Anyway, the book idea is a Spideypool fanfiction. If you don't know what that is and can't guess, don't worry about it. I just think it's cute with one loud mouth and one cute, innocent little child (not actually a child but acting like it). I don't know, okay! I've been reading too much of this shit.

Another idea, if you guys really liked this book, would be to make it into a series. What this means is that I will do two prequels, one for Roman and one for Virgil, depending on which one you want first. I've already kind of teased the idea of their backstories, like why did prison bring back memories for Roman, and why is Virgil's dad rarely mentioned? I don't know; it's stuff like that. Maybe I'll bring in Remus or Remy. I have no plans!

Plan Z is something that I've been toying around with for a while. If any of you don't know my book Stitches, then go read it or don't. My idea is to rewrite it—to take it down, completely gut it, and fix the cringey parts. I see comments that complain (in a nice way!) about it, and I go back to read it and it's just... gross.

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