Chapter 22

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Patton's POV

"Do we tell him, Lo?" I asked now that Roman was gone. "He's gonna find out that Virgil was actually N at some point, right?"

Logan seemed to think it over, then shook his head. "My people skills, though not nearly as good as yours, have improved over the years. I believe this is one of those secrets best revealed by the people involved."

I knew he was right, but it still felt wrong to be lying to Roman. I sighed and nodded. Looking back at the computer, I asked, "Should we watch the videos he made us? They might help us find him."

"Okay." He sat at the desk, pulling me into his lap, then clicked on the video addressed to me.

Virgil appeared on the screen. He looked tired and stressed. "Hey, Patt. I'll give you the whole speech I have Roman. I let Logan know all of the important science-y stuff in his note, but...

"So, Patt, I'm either dead, or I've been kidnapped. If it's the latter, then I'm being tortured for information. Yeah, it's been a long two months." He laid his head in his hands and closed his eyes. "Roman can never know my... hobbies... okay? I care about him too much and it would only hurt him. I've lied too many times for him to find out now." He looked back into the camera.

"If I don't make it out of this, I want you to know that... I don't have a will and I'm completely unprepared for this." His eyes danced around for a second. "Also, I'm dating Roman. Also, I'm gay. I think that's everything. Bye." The video ended.

I leaned on Logan's head. "Told you there was something there. He and Roman are cute."

"Focus." He clicked on his own video.

The tone was much different. Virgil looked like he was in an abandoned warehouse. Somehow, he'd gotten multiple whiteboards there. "Okay, so for the last two months, my powers have been exhausting me—literally." He started writing locations on one of the whiteboards. "First, it was at home, then work, then I was being followed. Even at the old base once, but I think that place's safe now."

He began connecting dots on the board, recounting everything he'd been through and seen. It almost seemed as though it was more for himself than either of us.

"I don't know why, though. They—no, he—took Janus and stalked me for this long. Why? Since when am I so...?" Virgil's shoulders relaxed and he let out a long sigh. "Oh my God, what if he knows I'm Nightmare?" He groaned. "Fuck... Fuck, fuck, fuck. If they know I'm Nightmare, then this—whatever this is—is going to be... bad, to say the least." He turned back to the camera and stopped the video.

Logan took a deep breath. "That's not good."

Virgil's POV

My sixth dose of whatever drug they'd been injecting me with hurt just as bad as all the others, if not worse. I didn't care anymore.

Isaac came in, followed by three guys and a girl. "How are you, Virgil?"

I stared at him blankly. "Are you fucking serious?"

He looked to the people behind him. "Get him down... gently." He turned back to me. "I hope I can trust you, Virge." He walked out.

You don't get to call me that, I thought as the cuffs binding me to the ceiling were unlocked. I dropped to the ground.

The door opened, and Isaac entered again, carrying two chairs. He set them down facing each other, then dismissed his lackeys. "Please, sit, Virgil."

I obliged, only because I didn't want to have to hang again. My knees shook with the movement.

He sat as well. "I see that the way I've been tackling this isn't resonating well with you. So... let's say you don't have powers-"

"I don't," I snapped.

He nodded. "I have other questions, like this one: you have scars all over your chest; how'd you get them?"

I looked at my bare torso, wishing I'd thought to put on a shirt before bed. Meeting his gaze, I answered, "I made some bad choices." Please don't question it.

"Is it a sensitive subject?" When I didn't respond, he continued, "Like the ones on your arms?"

My hands tightened into fists in my lap. I glared.

He put his hands up in defense, wearing a friendly smile. "Okay, I get it." He chuckled. "Moving on, you're quite muscular."


He rolled his eyes. "In our time observing you, I've never once seen you work out."

"More ew... Don't call your stalking 'observing.' It's creepy. Besides, I know what you're doing."

Innocently, he tilted his head to the side. "What am I doing?" He reminded me a lot of Janus.

Janus. These people have Janus, right? "You're trying to probe me—to make me slip up and admit that I have powers. Unfortunately for you, I don't have any, as I've told you." I took a long breath. "My brother, I know you have him. Is the reason I'm here about me or him?"

"You. He's here because of you and his relationship with the vigilante Nightmare."

So he's here solely because of me, they just don't realize it.

"I can show him to you if you'd like." He was trying to win over my trust.

I nodded carefully.

Isaac stood, then made his way to the door. Opening it, he whispered something. He then turned back to me. "They'll bring in a T.V. so that we can watch through the cameras where your brother is."

I looked around as a flatscreen T.V. was brought in on wheels. "Are there cameras in here?"

"Yes, of course." He turned it on.

The screen lit up. The camera was in a corner, pointed at Janus. He was in a similar position I had been in, hanging by his wrists.

I covered my mouth. "Dear God..."

He looked like shit, bruised and bloody.

"Let him go." My voice broke. "I... He... He doesn't deserve this."

"Doesn't he?"

I stood, my chair falling back. "No! He-He's a g-good person!" I shook in rage.

When I looked at Isaac, I saw him smiling. "You can talk to him if you'd like."

Again, I nodded.

He pressed a button behind the screen.

"Janus? Jay, can you hear me?"

His head perked up a bit. "Virge?"

"I'm here; I'm here. Are you okay?"

He laughed dryly. "I'll live. You were right, though; I wasn't safe."

Isaac gave me a curious look.


He moved toward the T.V. again.

"Janus!" I yelled, hoping to get my point across before I was silenced. "Jay, don't tell them anything!"

The screen went blank.

Isaac crossed his arms. "What'd you warn your brother about?"

"Bring him back," I growled.

People entered the room and grabbed me, lifting me up to chain me to the ceiling despite my fighting.

Isaac looked me in the eye. "You will answer my questions!"

"Try me, you worthless piece of shit." I spat in his face.

He wiped his face. "You'll pay for that." He whirled, then left.

Nightmare - Secret Identities Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora