2: Before the Storm

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Rain splattered across the autumn brushed roads of Hawkins. Cars ploughed through puddles like barricades and the students of Hawkins High rushed into the building like the rain was acid.

Kayla hands wrapped around the hood of her red jacket, sheltering her from the early morning storm. Her white Converse splashed through dirty puddles and soaked her running feet. Kayla stopped at the road leading into the car park and looked down into the puddle at her feet. Her curled hair was soaked at the ends and her mascara ran down her pretty face. Before she was able to take in any more of her features, the puddle waved onto her clothes after a car ploughed through it. In a rush, Kayla threw back her hood in fury and caught sight of a blue Chevrolet Camaro flooring it into a nearby parking space. Kayla looked down at her drenched clothing and let out a depressed moan. "Great," She sighed, continuing into the building, not bothering to cover her wet head anymore.

When Kayla walked into the school, she immediately peeled her jacket from her black and white striped top, then cringed at the feel of the base of her sleeves being drenched. She looked down at the small piece of paper that Mortica had handed to her that morning and read the locker number and combination whilst scanning the hallway for any friendly faces. Kayla pulled her black shoulder bag over her shoulder and made her way down the slippery hallway.

Friends were hugging and conversing next to each locker, blocking students from getting to where they needed to be. Kayla got bumped a few times by some running boys but nothing more. Couples were kissing, leaning on several lockers, also preventing students from getting where they needed to be, but luckily, this didn't affect Kayla. The girl gripped her locker dial and span the numbers 8 .. 2 .. 7 .. 7 and then released, opening the door and hurling the dampened jacket inside. Thunder drummed above and lightning forked the sky, flashing outside the glass doors of the school. Students screamed and trembled before laughing it off with their pals. A flood of students came through the doors and girls backed up against their lockers in awe. Kayla looked around the girls in curiosity but then returned to her locker, not finding anything of interest ... and then people started muttering and whispering. Kayla slammed her locker in frustration and leaned against it as the girls began to turn towards Kayla.

Then he came into view.

A boy with a blue denim jacket. A boy with a curled, blonde mullet. A boy that smelled so freaking good. A boy with a smug look of satisfaction as his forcefield of cologne and nicotine swam into everyone's nostrils. Kayla felt her figure tremble slightly, falling into her locker. The girl decided not to give the boy pleasure of knowing he had also caught the attention of her, so she turned away with a shrug. The boy, Billy Hargrove, gave the unamused girl a double-take, confusion filling his colossal ego. A sly smirk filled his cheeks and his eyebrow rose as he continued down the hall, planning a way to get her to come round.

When Kayla was done in her locker, she made her way to class. It was science, one of Kayla's least favourite subjects. She already knew she wasn't going to enjoy this class but if some asshole decided to make her day worse, she knew she would be ready to kill.

She thought too soon.

As soon as Kayla entered the class, she sensed something going wrong already. "Hello, Miss Matthews, would you like to take a seat?"

"Yeah, actually my mother actually assigned me a seat before I registered here, so," Kayla fumbled with a sheet of paper Mortica gave to her with the locker numbers as students suppressed laughs, "I should be sat right ... there," Kayla's finger pointed outwards. It wasn't until she looked up and saw who was sat on the other side her fingernail did she immediately regret her decision to speak up about Mortica and her mother's stupid demands.

"Oh, well hate to break it to you, Sweetheart, but I ain't movin' so your options are to sit elsewhere or ..." The boy looked down at his fingers, fiddling on the desk, "sit on my lap." Students wooed and scoffed at the ridiculed girl stood at the front of the class. The teacher looked up at the peached girl and turned away in humour.

"I'd rather chop off my own legs," Kayla replied, causing students to go ballistic and start making noises of amusement, she pulled her bag off her shoulder, taking the desk beside him with it being the only seat left. Kayla could sense his eyes caressing her cheeks as he mentally undressed her. She gulped as she pulled out her new books and grabbed her pen. The teacher turned his back and began to write on the board, triggering the boy to say something. "Hey, you've got one hell of a tongue. I think yours and mine would get along, when can they meet?" The boy seduced Kayla but she wasn't buying any of it.

"I don't think your tongue would be my type. Besides, I hardly know you, so could you please mind your own business?" Kayla growled, turning to the boy and staring him down.

His blonde curls washed over his denim jacket and the smell of mint flew from his mouth as his chest heaved in amusement. "You're sexy when you're mad—"

"You don't even know who I am so I would appreciate it if you fu—"

"Is there a problem, Miss Matthews?" The teacher called Kayla out, leaning against his desk.

Kayla's eyes flew everywhere besides the teacher and the boy beside her. They eventually landed on his name tag on his desk. "No, Mr Bowman, I'm fine," Kayla bit her tongue, her eyes darting to the corner to catch a glimpse of the boy next door.

"Billy, I hope you're not scaring the poor girl?" Mr Bowman hissed, bowing his head at the teen in a tease.

"No, sorry Sir we were just making plans."

Kayla's hands balled up into fists and gripped her skirt in her hands.

"Well, could the two of you please do that after class?" Mr Bowman requested, causing Billy to nod.

Mr Bowman's brows rose in hilarity and turned back to the board. Kayla immediately faced Billy and breathed heavily. "I'm Billy," He smirked, tapping the end of his pencil annoyingly against the desk. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Fuck. Off," Kayla mouthed, turning her attention back to the lesson.

"Nice to meet you, Fuck Off," He growled in glee.

Kayla's eye flew to the wall to see how long she had left with this flirt. And she realised it had only been a minute. The girl lowered her head into the desk and groaned.

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