9: Standoff

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It had been a few days since Kayla had once again decided not to talk to Billy on behalf of his behaviour. The people and the atmosphere around Kayla had begun to grow odder and odder by the hour, most noticeably Jonathan's little brother Will — which she found out through hanging out with himself, Steve and Nancy. Emory and Kayla had also been meeting up but since Emory had begun dating Diana Finch — a girl in the lower grade, he seemed a little too distracted to listen to Kayla's problems. Seon and Jin were also off the list of people she could talk to, despite their ever-growing bond that began over nothing Kayla could put a name to. Life in Hawkins was growing ever stranger, from the children running here, there and everywhere to the lack of pumpkins Kayla was finding in stores.

Kayla picked away at her tray of food, looking and tasting as fresh as school food can possibly be. She looked up at Diana and Emory who were aggressively making out at the table in front of her. She looked down and back up again enough times to make her slam her fork down and stand. She swayed slightly as eyes from all across the hall landed on her and then turned back to their conversations, continuing to glance at her from time to time. Suddenly forgetting what she was about to do, she sat back down in a fluster, her cheeks bright red. Nobody said anything, the spiteful glare she was giving the couple opposite her was enough evidence that there were no words to be said.

"So ... how are things with you and Tomm—"

"Tommy? Oh, things are great, thanks for asking," Kayla grinned at Diana a little too harshly since she suddenly sunk a little further into her place.

"Kayla!" Emory winced slightly at her tone, creating an even more painful awkward atmosphere.

Kayla exhaled and leaned on the ball of her hand, waiting for all hell to break loose, but instead received a slap in the face as Tommy entered the canteen with his goons. "Shit," She mumbled, rummaging through her bag for any sort of shield like a book or a mirror ... but the boy was already approaching the table. "I'll, uh, see guys later yeah?" She smiled exhaustingly, lifting herself from the table, throwing her bag over her shoulder and leaving, tossing the remainder of her food in the bin on her way out.

Strutting down the endless hallway, trying her hardest to outpace the quickening footsteps behind her. She took a swift left turn out of the building and onto the car park, where most people spent their time. She frantically looked around for anywhere to run but there was nowhere to go, so instead, she stepped to the side and acted as though she were waiting for someone. The blood coursing through her veins was strained and quick, her heart audible in her ears as she almost sunk to her knees and cried. She had no idea what she did to deserve what Tommy did to her that night, but she knew sooner or later she had to tell someone before the feelings ate her up and swallowed her.

A hand wrapped around hers and clutched onto her with no intention of letting her go. "Why do you keep running away from me?" The voice called out, sending a shiver up and down Kayla's back. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she refused to look at Tommy. Discretely, she made some sort of attempt to slip her hand out of his but wasn't succeeding. She didn't answer him as they stood in a tense silence. "We both enjoyed it did we not?" He slyly began to brush up against her, growing more forceful with each moment of contact. Kayla closed her eyes, completely feeling all sense of hope drain from her intimidated body.
"What if we meet up after school, and maybe something a little more ... consensual could happen?" Unexpectedly, Tommy's hand landed harshly on her ass, now making her blood boil as she blew her top.

"HEY!" She shrieked, the palm of the hand slamming against his freckled cheek as her voice synced with another. Kayla didn't even have to look to know who it was, a deep crimson handprint bled across Tommy's face, his hand reaching up to touch it in awe. Billy stepped in front of Kayla, pushing Tommy repeatedly up against the wall. Kayla knew she had to step in but something was holding her back as she bit down on her tongue forcefully. Holding her head high, yet, having her eyes glued to the floor the whole time, Kayla could see the blurred image of Tommy and Billy standing off.

"Walk away, man," Tommy smiled, his teeth bared in the most distinct way. "Me and Kelly were making plans, no need to get jealous. Feel free to join us, if that's what you really want?" He smirked as all the students of the car park made their way over curiously. Billy clenched his jaw repeatedly gazing into Tommy's devilish eyes before they washed onto Kayla. She quivered at the side, holding her stomach in worry as people began to mutter.

"You touch her again," Billy growled, grabbing on to Tommy's shirt, "stitches won't fix what I do to you." Everybody knew what the boy was saying wasn't a lie, there was evidence to support that. "Kayla get in the car," Billy instructed, not looking away from Tommy.

"I don't need your help, Billy, and I certainly won't be getting into that car with you again," Kayla mumbled, turning on her heel and pushing through the crowd. Knowing that she would give in eventually, Billy released Tommy from against the wall and sped after her.

"Kayla," He called out. She ignored him. She walked straight past his car and kept walking. "KAYLA!" He roared, making her turn in shock. "Get in the car," He lowered his voice now, almost like he was pleading. "I need to pick up Max, she's going the arcade after school and I'll get into shit if I don't," He opened the car door, and leaned against it, placing a cigarette between his toxic lips.

"What are you asking of me?" Kayla snarled, pulling her bag further on to her shoulder. Billy looked conflicted.

"If you'd want to join me?"

"To pick your sister up from the arcade? No thanks," Kayla huffed, a judgmental smile on her face. She began to walk off again, completely abandoning school halfway through the day and the boy at his blue car. But she was pulled back by his hand.

"Please ... then we can talk about things," He compromised, smoke leaving his mouth. Something inside Kayla clicked, she didn't know what it was but she suddenly had a change of heart.

"You're not taking no for an answer, are you?" Kayla grinned. Billy's nose crinkled slightly as he shook his head. "Fine," She rolled her eyes, taking the cigarette from his mouth and placing it between her lips instead. He was completely taken aback by this action, watching her walk around the car and open the door.

"They're bad for you."

"They're better for me than you are, yet here we are."

BAD GUY 。BILLY HARGROVENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ