3: Takes Two to Tango

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When the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, Kayla burst out of the door and began striding out of the school parking lot. Not until, of course, she was nearly mowed down.

The growl of an engine and the loud shriek of a car horn made Kayla freeze up in anger and sheer terror. The girl spun on her heels, almost feeling the force of the car colliding with her.

"Hey asshole, watch where you're going!" Kayla screamed at the driver behind the wheel. The window winded down and Billy's smug grin peeked out of it, his jaw moving up and down with each chew of his gum.

"Sorry Sweetheart, you should watch where you're going next time," He spoke calmly, catching the attention of every student dotted around the school grounds. Kayla looked around, gulping and caught sight of Jin and Seon watching her as they sneakily tried to get away. Kayla went to say something but knew she would only be even more of a laughing stock so she huffed and stepped aside for Billy's car to drive passed. He watched her as his car roared and slowly began to move forward. "Thanks, babe," Billy winked from behind his shades, smirking as the window went back up and slightly blackened Kayla's view of his extremely attractive face.

Astonished, Kayla took another step backwards, only to hear the beep of another car trying to reverse. Kayla leapt into the air in fright before she groaned loudly, causing pedestrians to look at her and laugh.

Back at the house, Kayla stormed through the front door and looked around for Jin and Seon. The girl sprinted through doorways looking for the brothers as the locks on the front door rattled as it slammed continuously against the sideboard beside it.

"Hey! Siamese twins! Get here, right ... now ..." Kayla screamed, the whole house rattling with her anger. Kayla had never felt so much anger for anyone who wasn't Krista Adams. When the twins came down the stairs they looked at one another in amusement at the pissed girl and then back at her.

"Listen, what you did back at school wasn't cool—" Kayla started to talk but was cut off almost immediately.

"Maybe you should have been watching where you were going then, it's not our fault. You're a laughing stock, which is the easiest way of putting it. It isn't our fault. We just didn't want to be seen with a ... retarded ... slut ..."

Kayla's hand flew from her side and landed harshly on Seon's soft cheek. He didn't flinch as a deep shade of red was engraved on the boy's cheek. Not a second later, Mortica emerged from the darkness and pointed at the furious girl.

"That's strike one! Three strikes and you go to the basement," Mortica glared the girl down as she approached her.

"HOW THE FUCK AM I A SLUT!" Kayla screamed, completely ignoring the woman and grabbing Seon.

"Strike two!"

"I saw you with Hargrove today, I wouldn't get too close to him, he'll only fuck you and drop you like he always does to every pretty bitch he wraps around his finger," Seon taunted as Jin began to exit the room awkwardly, not liking how much of a dick his brother was being.

Kayla lunged again but was lifted up by a grasp and was dragged towards the front door. Her Converse slammed against the wooden floor as she attempted to stop herself. Mortica's slender fingers wrapped around the girl's forearms as she continued to drag her out the house.

Kayla's side hit the dusty floor below the stairs onto the porch. Mortica dusted her hands together and slammed the door. Kayla sat in awe at what had just happened. Had she been kicked out? Where was she to go?

The girl stood up and brushed off her outfit with her shaking hands. She breathed out, horrified. "O-okay, uumm, where do I go?" She asked herself, wandering onto the pavement beside the long road. A boy stood on the other side, jaw dropped at what he had just witnessed.

"Yeah? What are you looking at?" Kayla remarked to the boy, brushing her hair behind her back. The boy checked both ways before crossing the road over to the girl.

"You okay? That looked like it hurt," His luscious hair blew in the little breeze the October sky had to offer.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Kayla snared, rubbing her graze on her wrist. The boy went to grab it. Kayla moved her hand swiftly away, but once she noticed he meant no harm, she moved it closer to him.

"I mean you were just flung from the porch and onto the dirt. Looked pretty painful from where I was stood," The boy explained, holding Kayla's cut wrist in his soft hands.

"Yeah, it was a little. Besides, what were you doing just stood on the street anyway, don't you have somewhere to be?" Kayla asked, watching the boy examine her wrist.

"Well, no but someone I know lives not too far from here," He explained, cringing at the amount of blood gushing from Kayla's arm.

"Who?" Kayla asked, knowing full well she wouldn't know them considering she had only just moved in.

"Emory Hunt? He's my cousin and he's a bit of a loner, you probably won't know him," He smiled, dropping Kayla's wrist.

"Well, who are you then?" Kayla laughed as she kicked a rock on the floor towards the boy's shoes.

"I'm Steve Harrington. Honestly, I'm a little offended you didn't know that." He chuckled, running a hand through his neatly placed hair. Kayla shook her head in amusement and rolled her eyes.

"I've only been here one day, I can't possibly discover all the Hawkins hotties at once," Kayla bit her lip awkwardly, but played it off as seductively. Kayla watched the boy's eyes grow wide in appreciation, he rubbed his palms together and smiled.

"Why, who was the first one? I thought I was the only hot one?" Steve laughed, folding his arms. Kayla froze. She began to question her whole existence. Surely, Billy Hargrove hadn't left a mark on her? He was an asshole.

"He's an ass, don't worry. I'm sure you're much better than him," Kayla laughed, looking down the road for any cars.

"Hargrove? Oh god no. Please get yourself out of there before you're stuck forever," Steve begged, shaking his head rapidly.

"What do you mean?" Kayla knew exactly what he meant but wanted to keep the conversation going.

"You're getting yourself into a situation you cannot get out of. You know what, I'll hook you up with Emory if it means you'll get over him. He's an asshole and a player. I'm sure, right now as we speak, he's with some girl somewhere," Steve continued, making Kayla roll her eyes.

Kayla and Steve had no idea of what was going to come next.

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