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Liberty's POV

"I imagine that this is less...rigourous than Oliver's training sessions."

"Probably, though a lot of mine ended up being how to control my mirakuru soldier self." Roy laughed. "Be glad you don't have to deal with that! It was terrible!"

"I can imagine."

Roy had been been training Liberty for the past hour or so while the rest went to see Laurel. Liberty was proud to say that she could now punch someone, which was better than before. "Hey, uh, thanks for, y'know, teaching me how to fight, Roy."

"It's nothing, Liberty. Nothing at all. Besides, there's already been three maniacs that have tried to kidnap you."

"And, thanks again for stopping those three maniacs."

"I am pretty sure stopping maniacs is in my job description. It's nothing, I promise." Roy lifted his arms, ready to attack. "Remember everything I taught you."

Liberty nodded, and raised her defenses. Roy came at her with his fists, and Liberty blocked his attacks. And she kept blocking, never making an attack, until she couldn't keep up with Roy anymore.

"I did better."

"Yes, you did. But you're going to have to use offense at some point, Liberty. You can't stick with defense forever," Roy said. "An NFL team that has a good defense but a bad offense can never win because they won't ever make any points. You'll never win a fight if you stick with defense because as you get tired, you'll open up places for the assailant to attack. You want to stop them before that can happen."

Liberty nodded. "I guess that makes sense, though I know nothing about football."

They tried again. This time, Liberty did use a couple of attacks. She mainly stuck with defensive moves, but she did attack Roy as well.

"That was much better. You need a balance between offense and defense. To go back to the NFL example, if a football team is equally good at defense and offense, they can both make touchdowns and stop the other team from making touchdowns. If you can do defense and offense, you can prevent your injuries and stop the attacker."

"So I am doing good?"

"Yep, you are," Roy said with a smile. "But we've been training for almost an hour and a half. That's a long time for you. Let's take a break."

The two sat down and drank some water. This had been the most physical activity Liberty had done in a long while, and it was exhausting. "We might wanna work on my endurance," Liberty suggested.

"Probably. So, are you planning on going back to your Earth? Felicity seems to think she can make a way for you."

Liberty shrugged. "I don't have much holding me there. I hate my job, my parents hate me, there isn't much of a reason to be there."

"I'd imagine your world is safer," Roy said. "I mean, there's still gotta be bad people, but I don't think you've had to deal with the Undertaking or the Siege."

"No, we have not," Liberty confirmed.

"Don't tell me if you don't want to, but what's the situation between you and your parents?"

Liberty sighed. "I've always been a disappointment to them. I guess Mom isn't that bad, but Dad has always hated me. I don't know why though. I don't see why I'm so easy to hate. I haven't done anything bad, I don't think."

"Some parents just suck, no matter what their kids are like. Don't dwell on it for too long. Anything else keeping you here?"

"My world is boring. Yeah, bad things happen, but it never affects me, so sometimes I feel so disconnected. I want to help people, but how am I supposed to help them if I have no idea who they are? Just, I have a chance to help people in your world, Roy, I don't think I have that chance on mine."

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