Meeting my best friend

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  The first day of summer was perfectly sunny and clear. I was going to be in first grade the next year and was excited for all the fun I was going to have that summer. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. Maybe because it was the first time I met him. My soulmate, Ryan, or Ryro as I liked to call him back then.

I remember going outside in the front yard and taking in the sunshine. I remember my mom stepping out after me and telling me that I was going to have a playdate next door with her friend Evelin's son. I was so excited to make a new friend and could barely contain my happiness as she took my hand and lead me down our driveway and over to the neighbor's house.

She rang the doorbell and a woman my mom's age answered the door. They exchanged pleasantries and we waited on the patio while she went back into the house to get her son from his room. When Evelin returned, she had her son in tow.

He had big brown puppy eyes and matching brown hair. I knew the second we met we were going to be best friends. Mom and Evelin sat on the bench and chatted about their college days and Ryan and I played in the front yard.

As the summer continued, we spent more time together, whether it was at home or out somewhere like the pool. Ryan always had a smile on his face when we were together, and everything was peaceful.

There was a time he asked mom if she could be his mom too, but she told him no because he had one already. I could tell he was a little sad by that, but he ate his cookies and drank his milk happily right after.

When our birthdays came around our moms decided we should have a party together since it would be easier on both of them, and it's not like we would have said no anyway. All of my mom and dad's families came and treated Ryan like he was part of the family. We all had a lot of fun at the party. I think Ryan liked the pizza more than the cake.

That summer feels like a dream now. Sometimes I wish I could back and relive it over and over. I would give anything to have that chance, but I know that isn't a possibility. I've come to realize that terrible reality. It's been so long since I've seen Ryan that sometimes I feel like I'd never recognize him. It scares me at times that I could have walked past him or talked to him and not have known it. I hate thinking about that. The other half of me, tells me that even if I don't know what he looks like now, I'll know him when I see him. That something inside me will just know. That's the side I want to listen to. I have to listen to that side because if I don't, I've wasted years in my search for him.

Little did I know; everything would fall into place by someone else's efforts.

And I will always be grateful.

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